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IRB Liaisons

Institutional Review Board ∙ ∙ 301-405-4212 ∙ 1204 Marie Mount Hall ∙ Hours: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

What is an IRB liaison?

An IRB liaison (or department representative) is responsible for administratively reviewing all initial applications prior to their submission to the IRB for review. This includes ensuring that the following is included in a protocol prior to submitting to the IRB: appropriate signatures, all required documents, and proper training records.

What does an IRB liaison look for during the review?

The review of an IRB liaison includes ensuring that all necessary components of your initial application are complete. Please use this checklist to ensure that all required items are included prior to sharing the project with your IRB liaison.

Why do I need my IRB liaison?

By conducting an administrative review of the submitted documents, the IRB liaison review can facilitate a quicker turnover from submission to approval. When components of applications are missing, the time it takes to approve a project significantly increases.

Please review the IRB Submission Tips for a Successful Submission (PDF).

PLEASE NOTE: The liaison is not required to sign any subsequent amendments or continuing reviews.

When should I share my project with my IRB liaison?

Please do not share your project with your Department Liaison until the package is ready for review. 

A package is considered ready for review when it includes all of the following: both completed Application Forms (Part 1 and Part 2), the linked CITI Training records for all investigators, copies of all supporting documents (such as consent forms, advertisements, survey questions, etc), and all other required signatures. 

PLEASE NOTE: The IRB suggests that researchers send their Department Liaison a message (either through IRBNet or via email) once the project is shared with the Liaison and is considered ready for review.

What if my department does not have a liaison?

If you do not see an IRB liaison listed for your department, please contact your Department Chair to act in this role for your submission. If a department wishes to add or change an IRB liaison, please contact the IRB.

Agricultural & Resource Economics

Nutrition & Food Science

Plant Science & Landscape Architecture

University of Maryland Extension

Architecture, Planning, and Preservation

American Studies





School of Languages, Literatures & Cultures

Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies

Women's Studies

  • TBD

MD Institute for Technology in the Humanities

African American Studies


Criminology & Criminal Justice


Geographical Sciences

Government & Politics

Hearing & Speech Sciences

Joint Program in Survey Methodology



Accounting & Information Assurances, Finance, Management and Organization

Decision & Information Technology, Marketing, Logistics, Business & Public Policy

Cell, Biology & Molecular Genetics

Computer Science


Counseling, Higher Education & Special Education

Human Development & Quantitative Methodology

Teaching, Learning, Policy & Leadership

Fischell Department of Bioengineering

Institute for Systems Research

  • TBD

All other Engineering Departments


Library & Information Studies

Behavioral & Community Health

Center for Health Equity

Center for Health Literacy

Epidemiology & Biostatistics

  • TBD

Family Science

Health Policy and Management


Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health

Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security (ARLIS)

Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC)

Institute for Governmental Service & Research

Maryland Population Research Center

Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute (Mtech)

National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START)

Neuroscience and Cognitive Science (NACS) Program

Teaching and Learning Transformation Center (TLTC)

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences

Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students (ACES)

Division of Information Technology


Graduate School

Honors College

Honors Humanities


Marine-Estuarine Environmental Sciences (MEES)

Stamp Student Union & Campus Programs

Undergraduate Studies

University Counseling Center

Public Policy

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