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Opportunities to Participate in Research Studies

The University of Maryland researchers offer opportunities to the campus and the surrounding community to participate in research studies. These opportunities are posted regularly below. Please click on each opportunity to see a full description of the opportunity, eligibility requirements, and contact information and instructions on how to apply to participate. If you are a UMD staff member or faculty researcher and wish to post an opportunity to participate in a research study on this webpage, please complete this form.

Development of Reading Skills: Representation of Letters and Words in the Brain

Research Study Description:

This is an fMRI language study consisting of 2 visits. (This is also a joint study between University of Maryland and Rutgers). First is an fMRI scan appointment at the Maryland Neuroimaging Center, which is just outside of campus, in which you would be scanned while reading words aloud. The whole appointment will take about 3 hours, but the scan itself will take about 2 hours. Then, you would come in for a 2 and a half hour behavioral appointment at the Benjamin Building and complete activities related to reading and language knowledge. You would be compensated $75 after completing the entire study, and you will receive a picture of your brain!

Eligibility Requirements:

Must have no metal in body (including braces, permanent piercings, and permanent retainers), Between ages of 18-35, No facial tattoos, Right handed

Language Requirements / Open to Multilingual Participants:

Spanish-English bilingual

Compensation for Participants:


Dates Participants Are Needed:

Summer-Fall 2024

UMD Hearing Research Study

Researchers in the Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences at the University of Maryland are conducting a hearing research study and would love your participation. This research is being conducted under the direction of Katherine Menon and Dr. Eric Hoover (IRBNet Package: 2063409-2). The purpose of this research project is to better understand your values and hearing abilities to create hearing healthcare solutions for all people with hearing difficulty. If you participate in this study, you will participate in a focus group discussion session about hearing abilities and complete objective hearing assessments and questionnaires. This study will take between 1 hour and 1 hour 45 minutes to complete. Your visit will take place at the University of Maryland campus or at the Rockville Senior Center. You will receive $15 per hour in the form of physical cash in 20-minute increments for your participation.

Eligibility Requirements:

You are eligible to participate in this research study if you: 
I. Are age 18 years or older 
II. Answer yes to either of the following questions: 
    II.i. Have you been diagnosed with hearing loss by a healthcare professional? 
    II.ii. Do you experience difficulty hearing in your daily life? 
III. Consent to audio and video recordings of study sessions 
IV. Answer yes to the question: Have you been diagnosed with a neurological impairment (such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, or aphasia) that may impair your ability to participate in discussion sessions? 

Language Requirements / Open to Multilingual Participants?

You are not eligible to participate in this research study if you lack English fluency 

Compensation for Participants:

You will receive $15 per hour in the form of physical cash in 20-minute increments for your participation. 

Date(s) Participants Are Needed:

April 23, 2024 - June 30, 2024

For more information, or to sign up, please contact a member of the Hearing Technology Lab research team at or (301) 405-3502.

See Flyer


Gut Microbial Metabolites Of Apple Polyphenols (GutMMAP) Study

Research Study Description:
The purpose of this research project is to better understand how individuals respond differently to nutrients in the diet based on the differences in normal bacteria that live in people’s guts (microbiomes). It is possible that differences in the types of bacteria in the gut may influence and explain the different health benefits experienced by different people eating similar foods. By recording what foods are eaten and examining urine samples during Phase 1, we will be able to determine and classify individuals by their type of microbiome. We will recruit a subset of participants back to participate in a controlled diet study in Phase 2.

Eligibility Requirements (include screening survey link):
To be eligible to participate, you must be between the ages of 18-45 years old, have a body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 – 40 kg/m2, agree to consume the study foods and beverages as provided, are willing to avoid tea and chocolate for 4 weeks, agree to provide urine and stool samples on 4 occasions according to the study schedule, and are not planning to move within the next year. Individuals who have known allergic reactions to any components of the foods or beverages in the study diet (soy, wheat, dairy, peanut, tree nut, apples, or eggs), have any history of anaphylactic food allergy, have a current diagnosis of kidney, liver, or gastrointestinal condition or a history of stroke, are pregnant or currently breastfeeding or planning to become pregnant in the next year or are within 3 months post-partum, have used antibiotics in the last month, or are currently, regularly using antacids or acid reducers are not eligible to participate in this research study. 

Language Requirements / Open to Multilingual Participants: English

Compensation for Participants:
$30 compensation. If selected for the follow-up study, an additional $250.

Participants Are Needed Starting January 2024

Accepting Participants Until June 30, 2024

See Study Flyer

Contact Us for More Information on How to Participate:

The members of the Resilient Adaptation across Culture and Context (RACC) Lab at UMD-College Park are conducting a research study investigating Latinx undergraduate students' life experiences. The Purpose of this study is to examine how negative life events and cultural values may be related to parent-child relationship quality and mental health in Latinx undergraduate students. Eligible participants will fill out an online questionnaire with a series of questions asking about life experiences, cultural values, and mental health (~25 minutes). Participants will be given the choice to receive a $5 Amazon gift card upon completion of the survey via email or receive credit through the psychology SONA system at the University of Maryland as compensation. 

Eligibility to participate: 

  • Are between 18 and 25 years old 
  • Undergraduate Student at UMD 
  • Identify as Latinx (Latin American, Central/South American, Caribbean, Afro-Latinx) 

If you meet these criteria and are interested in participating in this study, please use the link provided below or register through the SONA system to take the questionnaire.



IRB protocol #:1977047-1 

Opportunity to Participate in Flu Research Study (January 2023)

Opportunity to Participate in Research Study

Compensation for particpation is up to $1,000 for qualified volunteers. Visit:

Learn more about this study here.

Researchers often offer paid research opportunities through UMD's SONA System. Participants can sign up for these studies through the SONA system.

Opportunities to Participate in Research Studies for Athletes

Campus and select external researchers offer opportunities to the campus athletic community (e.g. recreational, intramural, club, varsity) to participate in research studies. These opportunities are posted regularly below. Please click on each to see a full description of the opportunity, eligibility requirements, contact information, and instructions on how to apply to participate. These are completely voluntary. If you are a University of Maryland staff member, faculty researcher, or researcher from another University, and wish to post an opportunity to participate in a research study on this webpage, please complete this form.

Sport and Energy Drinks Research Study PosterIn collaboration with the University of Maryland School of Dentistry, this is an educational survey-based study interested in determining whether a health education presentation can increase an athletes’ knowledge, attitudes and healthy behaviors regarding the detrimental effects of sport and energy drinks. 

Eligibility Requirements: 
To be eligible to participate, (1) you must be above 18 years of age. (2) Current collegiate athlete at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Eligible participants will fill out an online pre-survey questionnaire using Qualtrics with a series of questions asking about current behavior practices, knowledge and attitudes regarding sport and energy drink consumption (~5 minutes or less). Participants will then watch a recorded video (~15 minutes) of an educational presentation that consist of the following topics: 
- Purpose of Sport and Energy Drinks 
- Ingredients within Sport and Energy Drinks 
- How Sport and Energy Drinks Affect the Overall and Oral Health 
- Oral Hygiene and Dietary Recommendations 

Following the presentation, participants will fill out an online post-survey questionnaire using Qualtrics with similar questions to the pre-survey questionnaire (~5 minutes or less). Participation is voluntary and anonymous. If you are ELIGIBLE, are INTERESTED in participating in this study, or have QUESTIONS, please contact me using the information below! 

Pre-presentation survey
Presentation video 
Post-presentation survey

For more information, contact: 
Vanessa Ngo, Senior Dental Hygiene Student 
Email - 
Phone number – (301) 385-7038

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