Research Centers and Institutes

- Artificial Intelligence Interdisciplinary Institute at Maryland (AIM)
The Artificial Intelligence Interdisciplinary Institute at Maryland (AIM) is a collaborative hub for AI, supporting faculty research, offering innovative and experiential learning opportunities, and focusing on responsible and ethical AI technology to advance the public good across industry, government and society.
- Institute for Trustworthy AI in Law & Society (TRAILS)
TRAILS is a partnership between the University of Maryland, George Washington University and Morgan State University. Funded by a $20 million award from NSF and NIST, the institute is focused on transforming the practice of AI from one driven primarily by technological innovation to one that is driven by ethics, human rights, and input and feedback from communities whose voices have previously been marginalized.
- Artificial Intelligence & Autonomy for MultiAgent Systems (ArtIAMAS)
ArtIAMAS is a cooperative agreement between the Army Research Laboratory and the University of Maryland that supports and stimulates the advancement of science and technology in robotics, systems, and smart devices that work intelligently in cooperation with each other and human actors across multiple domains.
- Center for Machine Learning
The University of Maryland Center for Machine Learning is a multidisciplinary center that uses powerful computing tools to address challenges in big data, computer vision, health care, financial transactions and more.
- Center for Automation Research
Contains the Computer Vision Laboratory and the Laboratory for Language and Media Processing at the University of Maryland.
- University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS)
The mission of UMIACS is to catalyze research in computing and interdisciplinary applications of computing. UMIACS has fostered and enhanced strong interdisciplinary research programs which have greatly facilitated our national and international leadership role in multi-disciplinary computing.
- Industrial AI Center
The IAI Center's mission is to bring the potential of Artificial Intelligence to industrial applications. The Center is able to rapidly research, develop, prototype and deploy artificial intelligence enabled solutions to bring operational, technological and economic impacts to a wide range of industries, including aerospace, energy, healthcare and manufacturing, among others.
- M-Powering Teachers
M-Powering Teachers is a group of scholars with expertise in education, linguistics, economics, and computer science who have designed an AI-powered feedback tool to utilize natural language processing to analyze verbal classroom interactions and subsequently provides formative feedback to teachers.
- Center for Governance of Technology and Systems (GoTech)
GoTech focuses on building an expansive community of educators, researchers, private practitioners, and policy makers to: explore the development, governance, and sustainment of complex critical infrastructure technologies & networks; examine governance challenges tied to several technologies that are shaping the 21st century; help advance holistic approaches to governance through effective engagement between the public and private sector; and develop interdisciplinary educational programs.
- Center for Geospatial Information Science (CGIS)
CGIS researchers are constantly engaging in research to serve the center mission to shape the next-generation of geospatial information science.
- Center for Medical Innovations in Extended Reality (MIXR)
The Center for Medical Innovations in Extended Reality, known as MIXR, joins University of Maryland computer scientists and engineers with physicians and clinicians at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore and the University of Michigan to improve medical training, patient management and health care outcomes across all areas of clinical practice. MIXR is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and technology titans including Google, Microsoft and Meta.
- Center for Research and Exploration in Space Science & Technology II (CRESST II)
The Center for Research and Exploration in Space Science and Technology II (CRESST II) is a collaboration between NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and the University of Maryland, College Park; University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Catholic University of America; Howard University; and Southeastern Universities Research Association. The overall goal of CRESST II is to support and enhance research and technology in the space sciences in support of NASA's strategic science mission objectives.
- Brin Mathematics Research Center (MRC)
The Brin Mathematics Research Center (MRC) is a research center that sponsors activity in all areas of pure and applied mathematics and statistics. The mission of the Brin MRC is to promote excellence in mathematical sciences. The Brin MRC is home to educational and research activities in all areas of mathematics. Activities sponsored by the Brin MRC include long programs, conferences & workshops, special lecture series, and summer schools.
- Fraunhofer USA Center Mid-Atlantic (CMA)
The Fraunhofer USA Center Mid-Atlantic (CMA) comprises two divisions: Software and Systems Engineering and Molecular Biology. Located in Riverdale, Maryland, the Software Engineering Division drives critical thinking and software-enabled solutions for its customers in industry, government and academia. Affiliated with the University of Maryland, the Center conducts applied research aimed at designing and developing software-intensive systems that are safe, secure, tested and verified. Key focus areas include advanced AI applications for manufacturing, healthcare and life sciences, and supply chain illumination and management.
- Information Policy and Access Center (iPAC)
The Information Policy & Access Center (iPAC) provides research products and educational opportunities to better understand the intersection between decisions and actions by governments and the subsequent impacts on access to and use of information at the national, regional, community, institutional, and individual levels. To facilitate this mission, iPAC produces original research, publishes journals and books, and holds conferences to enable discussion and deliberation about creating laws and policies that shape and reshape access to information.
- Maryland Center for Women in Computing
The Maryland Center for Women in Computing (MCWIC) works to increase diversity in all fields of computing by providing opportunities for individuals who identify as women to engage and contribute to the technical community through research, education, outreach, and partnerships. MCWIC envisions a vibrant community of scholars, researchers, students and others coming together to increase the involvement—and success—of all women interested in earning or currently pursuing a computing degree.
- Mixed/Augmented/Virtual/Reality Community (MAVRIC)
The Mixed/Augmented/Virtual/Reality Community (MAVRIC) is an initiative that supports scholarship, interdisciplinary research and transformational applications of Extended Reality (XR) at the University of Maryland. MAVRIC's mission is to catalyze the research of XR across the campus with an emphasis on projects that leverage the technology for bettering humanity.
- Social Data Science (SoDa) Center
The Social Data Science Center (SoDa) at the University of Maryland leverages UMD’s substantial strengths in survey methods, measurement, information management, visualization, and analytics to conduct research, provide education, and work with partners to advance social data science and measurement.
- Maryland Initiative for Digital Accessibility (MIDA)
The Maryland Initiative for Digital Accessibility (MIDA) combines the expertise and passion of researchers, designers, developers and educators from multiple disciplines at UMD with a united goal of making digital technologies accessible for all. MIDA aims to involve the disability community, private and public partners, and anyone interested in accessibility issues, in technology development projects, public outreach programs and advocacy. MIDA collaborates with others to proactively build in accessibility when developing new technologies through a “born-accessible” approach.
- Center for Food Safety and Security Systems
CFS3 was established to assemble and coordinate the university's extensive research, education, and outreach capabilities in order to make meaningful improvements in food protection, regionally, nationally and internationally.
- Center for Global Agricultural Monitoring Research
Established in 2014, the Center for Global Agricultural Monitoring Research was developed to bring together researchers working on agriculture-related projects. The Center brings together collaborative research initiatives that focus on using satellite-based and in situ Earth observations to monitor land used for food production, and on modeling and forecasting near, mid, and long term changes to agricultural land use. These research projects range from site-based or local to national, regional, and even global in extent.
- Central Maryland Research and Education Center (CMREC)
As part of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the Central Maryland Research and Education Center (CMREC) is comprised of five Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES) research farms and associated facilities which are located in two central Maryland counties within the greater Baltimore-Washington population center.
- Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology
In Maryland, communities that surround the Chesapeake Bay seek to thrive alongside a healthier ecosystem. Finding viable solutions to problems that face our working landscapes is challenging. The Hughes Center finds consensus between interests representing agriculture, forestry and the environment to solve some of the greatest issues facing these critical sectors in Maryland which ultimately impact all citizens of the state.
- Home and Garden Information Center (HGIC)
The Home and Garden Information Center (HGIC) develops and delivers science-based, sustainable gardening and integrated pest management education for better human and environmental health.
- Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN)
The Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN) was established between the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the University of Maryland (UM) in April 1996. The Institute is a jointly administered, multidisciplinary research, education and outreach program. The Institute is the foundation of public and private partnerships that provides the scientific basis for ensuring a safe, wholesome food supply as well as the infrastructure for contributions to national food safety programs and international food standards. JIFSAN fosters the missions of FDA and the University through the creation of partnerships to increase the quantity and quality of research, which will provide the basis for sound public health policy. JIFSAN promotes food safety, human nutrition, and animal health and production through integrated research, education, and outreach programs.
- Lower Eastern Shore Research and Education Center (LESREC)
The Lower Eastern Shore Research and Education Center (LESREC) is comprised of two separate facilities, the vegetable farm at Salisbury and a 214-acre facility at Poplar Hill, both managed by David Armentrout. The Poplar Hill Facility is located on Nanticoke Road about 10 miles west of the Salisbury Facility. Scientists at the Poplar Hill facility conduct agronomic research including variety and pesticide testing, along with environmental relationships between soil fertility and crop management systems.
- Maryland 4-H Center
4-H is the largest youth development program in the nation with just over 6 million youth participating annually – over 51,000 of them are right here in Maryland. 4-H committed to growing an inclusive program where youth have opportunities to engage in STEM, Civic Engagement, Healthy Living and Agriculture through clubs, after-school programs, camps, and more.
- Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES)
The Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES) in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR) at the University of Maryland was first established in 1888 and currently fosters research at all levels (e.g., molecular, cellular, organismic, and ecosystem) related to sustainable food and fiber production with economic and environmental viability. Researchers within the six academic departments in AGNR and many in other Colleges, such as the College of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences (CMNS) use both campus-based research laboratories and four Research and Education Centers located across different land resource and physiographic regions of Maryland to conduct state-of-the-art research related to a wide array of topics including plant and animal genomics, infectious diseases, animal health, vaccine development, plant and animal physiology, basic biology, human health and nutrition, food safety, animal nutrition, environmental and ecosystem health, water quality, soil and watershed sciences, bioenergy, horticulture and landscape design, and interface between agro-ecosystem and aquatic environment.
- NASA Harvest
NASA Harvest is a multidisciplinary global consortium led by the University of Maryland, bringing together world-renown experts to enable and advance adoption of satellite Earth observations by public and private organizations to benefit food security, agriculture, and human and environmental resiliency in the US and worldwide.
- Western Maryland Research and Education Center (WMREC)
The Western Maryland Research and Education Center (WMREC) consists of a single 491 acre facility located in Washington County. Housed at this facility are faculty and staff of the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES) and University of Maryland Extension (UME) - both components of the University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Sherry Corbin is the acting center director for WMREC, as well as for Central Maryland and Lower Eastern Shore Research and Education Centers (CMREC & LESREC).
- Wye Research and Education Center (WyeREC)
WyeREC is situated on 1,000 acres on Maryland's Eastern Shore. The Center's location makes it an ideal site for research focusing on preserving the health and vitality of the Chesapeake Bay, sustaining agricultural productivity, product diversity, and maintaining Maryland's valued quality of life. The Center currently houses several Regional Extension Specialists and Research Scientists. Faculty from the Departments of Animal Science, Agriculture and Resource Economics, Environmental Science and Technology, Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, and Entomology use the Center. In addition, Extension faculty serving the statewide LEAD Maryland Program are housed at WyeREC.
- Center for Literary and Comparative Studies
UMD English’s hub for intellectual exchange in creative writing, English language and literary studies, the Center for Literary and Comparative Studies helps faculty, staff and students share ideas with one another and the world. The Center provides a dynamic venue for critical and creative work through lectures, symposia, conferences, readings and other activities, all of which are open to the public. The Center showcases the research and creative activities of the department as well as helps develop new knowledge in literary and comparative studies.
- DeVos Institute of Arts Management
The DeVos Institute of Arts Management provides training, consultation, and implementation support for arts managers and their boards. The Institute operates on the premise that while much is spent to train artists, too little is spent to support the managers and boards who keep those artists at work.
- David C. Driskell Center for the Study of the Visual Arts and Culture of African Americans and the African Diaspora
Established in 2001, the David C. Driskell Center provides an intellectual home for artists, museum professionals, art administrators and scholars who are interested in broadening the field of African diasporic studies. The Driskell Center is committed to preserving the rich heritage of African American visual art and culture.
- Maryland Center for Humanities Research
The Maryland Center for Humanities Research promotes and supports diverse forms of inquiry in the humanities. Our work engages stakeholders in innovative and inclusive approaches to understanding the value of the humanities for improving our lives.
- Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH)
A leading digital humanities center that pursues disciplinary innovation and institutional transformation through applied research, public programming, and educational opportunities.
- Nathan and Jeanette Miller Center for Historical Studies
The Miller Center brings together faculty, graduate students, undergraduates, and staff within the University as well as scholars and teachers throughout the state of Maryland and the larger region to discuss important historical issues, both old and new, from ancient times to the present, and pertinent to all areas of the world, from the US and Europe to Latin America, Africa, and Asia.
- Potomac Center for the Study of Modernity
The Potomac Center for the Study of Modernity promotes the scholarly understanding of human experience. Based in Washington, DC and founded in 2012, the Center aims to build a robust conversation across the boundaries separating scholars in history, the humanities, and the social sciences. Center events bring together people from the area’s many universities, museums, and research institutions, putting them in conversation with each other and with visitors from around the U.S. and abroad.
- The Michelle Smith Collaboratory for Visual Culture
The Collaboratory fosters an environment of curious and resourceful inquiry into the digital humanities, specifically digital art history, to support student and faculty research and teaching, both within the department and throughout the university community.
- Center for Social Value Creation (CSVC)
The mission of CSVC is to educate, engage and empower the Robert H. Smith School of Business community and the world through thought-provoking dialogue, thought leadership, and hands-on experience. CSVC is guided by the drive to create a world where business operates for the long-term value of both people and the planet. CSVC is the hub of learning for how business is good for society.
- Center for Excellence in Service
The Center for Excellence in Service (CES) is an academic research center with a network of Smith faculty members who are thought leaders in service marketing and management. The mission of the CES is to create and disseminate knowledge of best practices in service marketing and management to improve service quality, foster service innovation, and enhance service productivity.
- Center for Financial Policy
The Center for Financial Policy leverages the Smith School’s world-renowned faculty, leading research, and proximity to Washington, D.C. to promote a collaborative exchange of ideas on the key issues that affect financial markets. The center’s annual conferences with the Securities and Exchange Commission and Federal Reserve anchor its schedule of premier events.
- Centers for International Business Education (CIBE)
The Smith School's Center for Global Business is home to one of 15 Centers for International Business Education (CIBE) in the country. CIBE, a Title VI grant administered by the U.S. Department of Education, serves as a regional and national resource for teaching, research and outreach in international business and related fields. The CIBE program is also known nationally as CIBER (Centers for International Education and Research).
- Colvin Institute of Real Estate Development
The Colvin Institute of Real Estate Development supports the interdisciplinary approach of Maryland’s Master of Real Estate Development (MRED) curriculum that comprehensively covers finance and capital markets, law and public policy, structure and site design, construction management, property, portfolio and asset management, as well as marketing and commercial leasing.
- Smith Analytics Consortium
The mission of the Smith Analytics Consortium is to inspire and facilitate innovation in analytics among students, faculty, and the larger business community by providing opportunities for networking, thought leadership, and collaboration. Additionally, the Smith Analytics Consortium aims to support the mission of the Smith School by providing the perspective of business leaders and organizing co-curricular activities to enhance the Smith experience for all students — both in and out of the classroom.
- Ed Snider Center for Enterprise and Markets
The Center's mission is to research and teach in order to improve understanding of the historical development, institutions and philosophical premises of capitalism and its effect on economic and social outcomes and the maintenance and proliferation of stable and widely shared prosperity. The Center investigates free enterprise and markets by researching what makes individuals, organizations and markets flourish; educating thought leaders and influencers, and partnering with executives to apply the center’s research to real-world challenges.
- Supply Chain Management Center
Works to continue integration of the leading edge business practices and technologies of the real-time supply chain into the undergraduate and graduate programs in Supply Chain Management at the Smith School.
- Center for Democracy and Civic Engagement (CDCE)
The Center for Democracy and Citizen Engagement (CDCE) educates, informs, and engages citizens and scholars in order to improve democratic governance. CDCE advances knowledge to promote a strong democracy by focusing on the interactions between citizens and government that foster greater trust in the purpose, legitimacy, and responsibility among the actors in our democracy.
- Center for Governance of Technology and Systems (GoTech)
The Center for Governance of Technology and Systems (GoTech) is focused on building an expansive community of educators, researchers, private practitioners, and policy makers to: explore the development, governance, and sustainment of complex critical infrastructure technologies and networks through rigorous interdisciplinary research; help advance a holistic approaches to governance through effective engagement between the public and private sector; and develop interdisciplinary educational programs.
- Civic Innovation Center
The Civic Innovation Center was launched with the commitment to tackle our democracy’s big challenges. The Center contributes to important debates about civic education, civic engagement, and needed democratic reforms. The Center's events bring together civic engagement and election experts from across the nation to discuss the most pressing issues facing our civic square, and how to build a promising future.
- Institute for Governmental Service and Research
The Institute for Governmental Service and Research (IGSR) is dedicated to improving the well-being of individuals and communities through its work in areas of public health and safety, justice administration, health information technologies, leadership and governance, and fiscal and land use management. IGSR partners with local governments, state and federal agencies, university researchers, and community organizations on projects that strengthen government effectiveness and efficiency, promote evidence-based practices, and improve policy and outcomes. The Institute performs evaluation studies, opinion surveys, data analysis, strategic planning consultation, training, and technical assistance.
- The Mark and Heather Rosenker Center for Political Communication and Civic Leadership
The Rosenker Center unites research, education and public engagement to foster democratic communication by a diverse people. Committed to the advancement of a diverse and productive democracy through the study of human communication, the Rosenker Center develops projects and sponsors events designed to explore the nexus between communication behavior and political life. The Rosenker Center is also a resource for the political community, offering expertise, analysis and commentary about political communication.
- Center for Global Sustainability
The Center for Global Sustainability (CGS) at the University of Maryland utilizes a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach to deliver research, education, and engagement for policy impact.
- Center for Sustainability in the Built Environment (City@UMD)
City@UMD was established in 2019 to revolutionize the physical infrastructure in cities through sustainable distributed systems providing healthy and comfortable environments, energy efficiency, and clean water.
- Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC)
The goal of ESSIC is to enhance our understanding of how the atmosphere, ocean, land, and biosphere components of the Earth interact as a coupled system and the influence of human activities on this system. This is accomplished via studies of the interaction between the physical climate system and bio-geochemical cycles.
- Environmental Finance Center
The Environmental Finance Center (EFC) at the University of Maryland advances finance solutions to environmental challenges. With more than 25 years of experience, The Center works with communities to protect natural resources by strengthening the capacity of decision makers to assess needs, develop effective financing methods, and catalyze action. Through direct technical assistance, policy analysis, and research, the EFC equips communities with the knowledge and tools they need to create more sustainable environments, more resilient societies, and more robust economies.
- Joint Global Carbon Cycle Center
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA-GSFC), a leading national lab, and the University of Maryland, a top-tier research university, have collaborated for more than thirty years on scientific studies of the Earth. This work has been highly successful and has won international recognition. Building on this history, the two institutions are partnering to study the global carbon cycle. The Joint Global Carbon Cycle Center combines the strengths of NASA-GSFC and UMD to advance science and education on studies of carbon beyond what either institution could achieve alone. Research foci include remote sensing estimation of terrestrial carbon stocks and fluxes, mapping land-cover and land-use changes, field campaigns for calibration & validation, and integrated computer modeling of carbon cycle dynamics and management options.
- Joint Global Change Research Institute
JGCRI houses an interdisciplinary team dedicated to understanding the problems of global climate change and their potential solutions. One of the strengths of the Joint Institute is a network of domestic and international collaborators that encourages the development of global and equitable solutions to the climate change problem.
- Maryland Water Resources Research Center
The Maryland Water Resources Research Center was established in 1965 to develop new technology and more efficient methods for resolving local, state and national water resources problems. In addition to supporting research, its mission includes training water scientists and engineers and disseminating information to the public. Comparable centers exist in every state, usually at the principal Land Grant University.
- National Center for Smart Growth
A non-partisan center for research and leadership training on smart growth and related land use issues in Maryland, in metropolitan regions around the nation, and in Asia and Europe.
- National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC)
The University of Maryland established the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SeSynC) in 2011 with a $27.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation. It is one of the few research centers in the United States that is transdisciplinary, studying large-scale environmental issues. Through its efforts, SeSynC has brought different stakeholders and research fields together, learning more about the interactions between human and ecological systems. The research center has gathered and synthesized research solutions for clean water, sustainable food production, and more.
- Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS)
The Center aims to promote the study and appreciation of East Asian cultures by offering a wide range of scholarly, artistic, and community programs inspired by these cultures, and to expand the university's East Asian curriculum, library resources, and teaching materials.
- Center for Global Migration Studies
The Center for Global Migration Studies (CGMS) is an interdisciplinary home for the study of migration and immigration around the world both today and in the past. The center provides a distinctive institutional home for interdisciplinary research, for training faculty and students and for distributing information about the migrant experience to a broad public.
- Center for International Development and Conflict Management
CIDCM seeks to prevent and transform conflict, to understand the interplay between conflict and development, and to help societies create sustainable futures for themselves.
- Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland
CISSM is well connected to policy debates and practitioners, and offers its researchers and students opportunities to develop broad perspectives on security, economic, and international development issues. It is also committed to developing in the next generation of U.S. and foreign security experts a deep-rooted understanding of the imperatives of cooperative security, as well as the professional tools needed to identify and implement practical solutions to complex security challenges.
- Center for Research and Collaboration in the Indigenous Americas (CRACIA)
The Center brings together faculty, researchers, students, practitioners, and indigenous affiliates to expand the knowledge and resources of Amazonian Studies at the University of Maryland and the surrounding region. The Center fosters a cohesive community for research and program creation through seminars, conferences, film showings, courses, lectures, and roundtable discussions by members and visitors.
- Gildenhorn Institute for Israel Studies
The Gildenhorn Institute for Israel Studies is dedicated to study and research on Israel in all its variety, but also to presenting political, cultural, and general interest programs featuring Israel and its place in the Middle East.
- Latin American Studies and Caribbean Studies Center (LASC)
The mission of the Latin American Studies and Caribbean Studies (LACS) is to promote and build a community of students and faculty interested in learning and actively engaging in Latin American, Caribbean, and Latina/o history and culture. It provides a crucial network and central source of administrative, intellectual, and cultural support and inspiration for students and faculty throughout the university, as well as a strategic point of connection between UMD and the nation at large. LACS is a cultural sphere that celebrates the linguistic, ethnic, cultural, and religious diversity of the university and its community.
- Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies
The Jewish and Israel Studies programs at the University of Maryland are centers for intellectual inquiry about Jews, Judaism and Israel. The interdisciplinary nature of Jewish studies provides opportunities to analyze texts, read critically, and argue persuasively in speech and in writing—qualities crucial for any career or advanced academic work.
- Roshan Institute for Persian Studies
Roshan Institute for Persian Studies has played a leading role in the effort to promote the study, teaching, and exploration of all subjects related to Persian culture and history both at the University of Maryland and in the vibrant communities of Persian speakers in the D.C. metro area.
- Center for Children, Relationships, and Culture (CCRC)
The CCRC facilitates the collaboration of research projects on the social, cognitive, and emotional development of children and adolescents in families, schools, and cultures.
- Center for Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education (CDIHE)
CDIHE serves as a national center for research, policy, professional standards, and consultation for universities across the country and abroad on critical issues related to diversity, inclusion, and social justice in higher education.
- Center for Early Childhood Education and Intervention (CECEI)
The Center for Early Childhood Education and Intervention conducts high quality research on early childhood education and early intervention programs.
- Center for Educational Innovation and Improvement (CEII)
CEII brings together the shared expertise of research and practice to develop leadership, improve schools, and advance equity. CEII fosters collaborative partnerships for the purpose of promoting advancements in professional education, developing innovative solutions for current thorny problems of practice in education, and supporting collaborative research in public schools. CEII's aim is to ensure that faculty expertise meets the needs of the schools and districts while keeping equity at the center of our work.
- Center for Mathematics Education (CFME)
The Center for Math Education is a nationally prominent center for research and teaching addressing the improvement of mathematics education in K-16 and informal settings. The Center promotes innovation in teacher preparation programs and focused outreach efforts to local urban schools. The promotion of access and participation of underrepresented minorities in mathematics education is a tangible CFME commitment.
- Center for Science and Technology in Education (CSTE)
The Center's mission is to advance knowledge and understanding in science education and educational learning technologies for researchers and other constituencies and to develop educational leaders who will inform policy, improve practice, and address pressing social concerns with innovations in science education and educational technology.
- Center for Young Children (CYC)
The Center for Young Children is dedicated to providing an exemplary early childhood program and committed to fostering the continued growth and development of each child on a cognitive, physical, emotional, and social level. Since children learn best through active involvement, the CYC provides an enriched, stimulating, and safe environment that encourages exploration and experimentation. Children are guided to question, hypothesize, solve problems, and express themselves creatively. Teachers at the CYC respect and understand the uniqueness of each child.
- Institute for the Study of Exceptional Children and Youth (ISECY)
The Institute was established in 1981 as a research, development and service organization designed to address a broad array of issues in special education. It is a problem-centered organization that allows university faculty the opportunity to work together on serious issues and problems affecting the lives of individuals with disabilities. The Institute's work and purpose is to function in five interlocking task areas: (1) policy studies; (2) consumer involvement and evaluation; (3) leadership development; (4) interdisciplinary studies; and (5) dissemination of information and technical assistance.
- Maryland Assessment Research Center (MARC)
MARC provides support to the range of assessment activities in Maryland, the region, and the nation by conducting basic and applied research to enhance the quality of assessment practice and knowledge. MARC houses expertise in assessment design, development, implementation, analysis, reporting and policy issues as well as the technical aspects of the quantitative theories that form the foundations of measurement.
- Maryland Equity Project (MEP)
The Maryland Equity Project seeks to improve educational outcomes and close achievement gaps through research that supports an informed public policy debate on the quality and distribution of educational opportunities in Maryland and nationally.
- Maryland Institute for Minority Achievement and Urban Education (MIMAUE)
The Maryland Institute for Minority Achievement and Urban Education is an academic association, an action-oriented collaborative, and an educational center. Its central goals are the improvement of minority achievement, the elimination of the achievement gap, and the improvement and reform of urban education. The Institute seeks to develop and disseminate basic knowledge and to generate and apply research and expert knowledge to local needs and concerns. It serves as a hub for research and interchange on major questions regarding urban education, minority and majority student learning, policy matters, organizational development, leadership and professional development, and effective school reform, among others. It works in concert with local partners to construct mutually productive efforts to help solve problems and meet urban education challenges.
- Teaching and Learning Transformation Center
The Teaching and Learning Transformation Center (TLTC) inspires excellence and innovation in teaching, learning and scholarly activities in the pursuit of transformative educational experience at UMD. The TLTC promotes a culture of effective, engaging, and inclusive approaches to teaching and learning. The TLTC's standards of excellence position us to drive the future of education by promoting innovative, at-scale solutions and services to our educational community.
- Center for Advanced Renewable Biomaterials (CARB)
The Center's mission is to explore natural materials to address technological challenges in energy, environment, and sustainability (EES) such as green buildings, clean water, low-cost energy storage through advances in fundamental science, devices, complex systems and manufacturing.
- Center for Environmental Energy Engineering
CEEE provides innovative solutions to industry's research and development challenges and cost-effective, timely technology transfer. CEEE has developed a highly flexible and task-oriented consortium structure that emphasizes pre-competitive research.
- Center for Materials Innovation (CMI)
The Center for Materials Innovation (CMI) is a multidisciplinary research center that aims to encourage collaboration between University of Maryland faculty members and partner institutions to invent, manufacture, and utilize innovative materials to address society's most pressing issues, from sustainability and the energy-water nexus, to energy efficiency, and beyond.
- Center for Research on Extreme Batteries (CREB)
The Center for Research in Extreme Batteries (CREB) aims to foster and accelerate collaborative research in advanced battery materials and technologies and characterization techniques. CREB’s focus is on batteries for extreme performance, environments and applications, such as those that may be used for defense, space or biomedical applications.
- Maryland Energy Innovation Institute
A multidisciplinary initiative dedicated to advancing the frontiers of energy science and technology, with a special focus on forward-looking approaches for alternative energy generation and storage.
- Nanostructures for Electrical Energy Storage (NEES) EFRC
The group's focus is developing highly ordered nanostructures that offer a unique testbed for investigating the underpinnings of storing electrical energy.
- Bridge Engineering Software and Technology (BEST) Center
The BEST Center at UMD was established in 1986 to develop bridge related technology and provide a mechanism whereby the bridge oriented software developed for the Maryland State Highway Administration is made available on a commercial basis to other state design agencies and private consultants. The BEST Center has established a premiere quality development team and user base. Through bridge related projects, including laboratory and on-site testing, the BEST Center has accumulated years of experience and knowledge related to bridges.
- Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE)
The largest electronic products and systems research center focused on electronics reliability, is dedicated to providing a knowledge and resource base to support the development of competitive electronic components, products and systems.
- Center for Advanced Transportation Technology
The activities of the Center cover a diverse set of topics such as transportation performance measures, transportation system management and operations, data visualization, data fusion, systems engineering, project management, and interoperability of first responders.
- Center for Disaster Resilience
The Center for Disaster Resilience (CDR) is a research hub with a focus on better understanding and addressing the risks posed by natural hazards, including extreme weather. CDR brings together an interdisciplinary group of faculty affiliates whose combined expertise provides an important resource for risk analysis, policymaking, and environmental protection efforts.
- Center for Engineering Concepts Development
The CECD's vision is to serve as a platform for experimenting with new ideas in engineering education, future technologies, research, and the impact of engineering on society.
- Center for Minorities in Science and Engineering
The Center for Minorities in Science and Engineering is committed to the recruitment, retention, development, and graduation of underrepresented minority pre-college, undergraduate, and graduate students in engineering. CMSE programs are available to all students.
- Center for Risk and Reliability (CRR)
The Center for Risk and Reliability (CRR) was formed in 1985 as the umbrella organization for many of the risk and reliability research and development activities at UMD's Clark School of Engineering. CRR research covers a wide range of subjects involving systems and processes, and include topics on predictive reliability and human reliability analysis methods, advanced probabilistic inference methods, system-level health monitoring and prognostics, risk analysis theory and applications to complex systems such as space missions, civil aviation, nuclear power plants, petro-chemical installations, medical devices, information systems, and civil infrastructures.
- Center for Technology and Systems Management (CTSM)
The Center for Technology and Systems Management leverages the expertise of both in-house experts and external associates to offer systems engineering, project management, and robotics, automation, control, and intelligent systems capabilities to its clients. Center products increase efficiency and effectiveness, enhance reliability, reduce failure rates, and support rational decision making for cost-effective risk management.
- Alfred Gessow Rotorcraft Center
Since 1982, the Alfred Gessow Rotorcraft Center at UMD has been one of the three Rotorcraft Centers of Excellence, supported previously by the Army Research Office and later on by the Army/NASA National Rotorcraft Technology Center. The Center carries out multidisciplinary research on various aeromechanics disciplines of rotorcraft systems.
- Institute for Systems Research (ISR)
ISR was one of the pioneers in creating tools which address the need to analyze and simulate new types of automated, distributed, adaptable, resilient, extensible and economically competitive systems.
- Maryland NanoCenter
The Maryland NanoCenter is the hub of a network of interdisciplinary researchers, faculty, labs, and organizations with the goal of advancing the knowledge and understanding of all things nano.
- Maryland Robotics Center
An interdisciplinary research center housed in the Institute for Systems Research within the A. James Clark School of Engineering. The mission of the center is to advance robotic systems, underlying component technologies, and applications of robotics through research and educational programs that are interdisciplinary in nature and based on a systems approach.
- Maryland Transportation Institute (MTI)
The Maryland Transportation Institute is a catalyst for high-caliber transportation research, education, and technology transfer, delivering on the mission to improve quality of life and economic development in Maryland and beyond.
- Norbert Wiener Center for Harmonic Analysis and Applications
The Norbert Wiener Center, in UMD's Department of Mathematics, reflects the importance of integrating new mathematical technology and algorithms in the context of current industrial and academic needs and problems. Mathematical Engineering in the 21st century is analogous to Mathematical Physics of the 20th century. Applied harmonic analysis and its theoretical underpinnings form the technological basis for Mathematical Engineering. The Norbert Wiener Center advances research, education, and interaction for this emerging field.
- Brain and Behavior Institute (BBI)
The mission of the Brain and Behavior Institute (BBI) at the University of Maryland is to maximize existing strengths in neuroscience research, education, and training at the University of Maryland and to elevate campus neuroscience through innovative, multidisciplinary approaches that expand our research portfolio, advance the translation of basic science, and develop novel tools and approaches to solve some of the most pressing problems related to nervous system function and disease.
- Center on Aging
The interdisciplinary Center on Aging is dedicated to healthy and productive aging and the creation of age-friendly communities. Center on Aging researchers are involved with many of the health, economic and social policy issues that concern us as we grow older. Among the myriad of issues the Center is focusing intently on are the costs and liabilities of private insurance coverage for long-term care, the problems of older women, the needs of elderly with lifelong disabilities, the accessibility, quality, and efficiency of services to the elderly, and the needs of families providing care to elderly members.
- Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
A multidisciplinary center dedicated to research on questions arising from the genome revolution, organized as a center within the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS).
- Center for Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation
UMD researchers work with FDA staff to support the development of new tools, standards and approaches to assess the safety, efficacy, quality and performance of FDA-regulated products.
- Center for Health Literacy
Staff work to advance health literacy science and translate research findings in to education, public policy, and community interventions, to be a resource and a voice for consumers, legislators, media, and health practitioners, to educate current and emerging public health workforce on health literacy and health communication and to promote and encourage community engagement to improve health literacy in Maryland and across the country.
- Center for Excellence in Microbiome Sciences
The Center of Excellence in Microbiome Sciences joins faculty, postdoctoral scholars, and graduate students from across the University of Maryland in pursuit of a deeper understanding of complex microbial communities, and how those microbiomes interact with each other and with our ecosystem. Launched with startup funding from the University of Maryland Grand Challenges Grants Program, the center currently has faculty from the College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences, and the A. James Clark School of Engineering. The center receives administrative and technical support from the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies.
- Center for Healthy Families
The Center for Healthy Families operates as a non-profit clinic and provides services to individuals, couples (married or unmarried), families, and residents of surrounding communities. The Center's therapists apply and integrate the latest research, theories, and methods in individual, couples, and family therapy, serving approximately 500 families per year.
- Center for Substance Abuse Research
The Center for Substance Abuse Research (CESAR), at the University of Maryland at College Park, is dedicated to addressing the problems substance abuse creates for individuals, families, and communities.
- Center on Young Adult Health and Development
The Center was established in 2009 at UMD's School of Public Health and is the first center in the U.S. specifically dedicated to understanding the health and development of young adults. Young adulthood is a neglected developmental period in the health sciences, relative to childhood, adolescence and older adulthood. The overarching goal of CYAHD is to bring much-needed attention to this underrepresented area of study, and advance a research agenda to further our knowledge regarding a broad spectrum of issues affecting young adult health and development.
- Fischell Institute for Biomedical Devices
The Fischell Department of Bioengineering at the University of Maryland is the home of an emerging academic discipline, exciting interdisciplinary degree programs, and faculty and students who want to make a difference in human health care through education, research, and invention.
- Horowitz Center for Health Literacy
The Center provides research, education, and service to improve health literacy at the individual, family, community, organization, and society levels. We aim to advance health literacy in Maryland and nationwide. The Center was endowed and honors the legacy of Dr. Herschel S. Horowitz, a prominent scientist, educator, and public health advocate.
- Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research (IBBR)
The mission of IBBR is to leverage collective research strengths of the partnering institutions in medicine, biosciences, technology, quantitative sciences and engineering, to foster integrated, cross-disciplinary team approaches to scientific discovery and education, and to serve the expanding economic base of biosciences and technology in the state of Maryland and the Nation.
- Maryland Center for Health Equity
Works to to establish and sustain a community engaged research enterprise on critical health disparities, to raise the visibility of racial and ethnic health disparities and promising solutions with Marylanders and to facilitate action for change in the structural determinants of health in Maryland.
- Maryland Neuroimaging Center
The center has been designed to foster collaboration among neuroscientists, psychologists, cognitive scientists, engineers, and physicists. A special focus of the center is on understanding mechanisms of brain development and neural plasticity in typical and atypical populations and in understanding the neural mechanisms underlying expert abilities that serve critical national priorities.
- Maryland Pathogen Research Institute
Collaborations within MPRI share the goal of developing a comprehensive program to diagnose, treat and prevent the spread of pathogens.
- Neuroscience and Cognitive Sciences (NACS) Program
The Program in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science at the University of Maryland offers research and training opportunities in neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience and computational neuroscience with internationally-renowned faculty who interact among three campuses: in Baltimore City, at Baltimore County and at College Park.
- University of Maryland Prevention Research Center
Works to reduce health disparities in Maryland along the national capital border.
- Future of Information Alliance
The Future of Information Alliance (FIA) was launched at the University of Maryland in 2011 to serve as a catalyst for discussion, research, and action regarding the evolving role of information in our lives.
- Howard Center for Investigative Journalism
The Howard Center, funded by the Scripps Howard Foundation, collaborates with professionals and students at Maryland and around the country to publish impactful journalism.
- International Center for Media and the Public Agenda (ICMPA)
The International Center for Media & the Public Agenda, founded in 2006, conducts media and policy research & works with global leaders on domestic and international issues of concern.
- Shirley Povich Center for Sports Journalism
The Shirley Povich Center for Sports Journalism prepares students to be innovators and leaders in all facets of sports media. The center's unique, experiential curriculum and public programs elevate and amplify discussion of race, gender, politics and the world.
- Center for Comparative and Evolutionary Biology of Hearing (C-CEBH)
C-CEBH is a multi-department and multi-college program that includes 17 core faculty and over 115 undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, and research associates. C-CEBH is founded on the principle that insights gained from studying different species, both vertebrate and invertebrate, can often help in understanding human hearing, in finding new cures for deafness and hearing disorders, in designing robotic devices, and in assessing the effects of noise on communication.
- Hearing and Speech Clinic
The Hearing and Speech Clinic at the University of Maryland provides speech, language, and hearing services for individuals of all ages with a wide variety of disorders and conditions. The Clinic is operated by the Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences as both a training and research facility of speech-language pathology and audiology.
- Language and Literacy Research Center
The LLRC is an interdisciplinary center that brings together faculty and students from different perspectives. The mission of the Language and Literacy Research Center is to create long-term, productive partnerships amongst researchers, students, and educators in order to further develop our understanding and support of language and literacy development and instruction across the lifespan. The LLRC acts as the educational arm of the Language Science Center.
- Language Science Center
The mission of the Language Science Center is to advance language science at the University of Maryland and beyond, through integrated research and training that links fundamental science with applications in education, technology, and health.
- Maryland Cochlear Implant Center of Excellence
The Maryland Cochlear Implant Center of Excellence (MCICE) combines the strengths of the University of Maryland-College Park in the areas of research, audiology training, and speech-language pathology training with the surgical and clinical expertise of the University of Maryland Medical Center and the University of Maryland-Baltimore School of Medicine to create a premier institution for educational training, clinical services, and basic and translational biomedical research on cochlear implants (CIs).
- Maryland English Institute
The mission of the Maryland English Institute (MEI) is to provide English language instruction and assessment at the postsecondary level for speakers of other languages who wish to learn English for academic, professional, or personal reasons. MEI fulfills its mission by providing: a full-time, multi-level Intensive English program; part-time courses for UMD students; courses for international teaching assistants; assessment of oral communication skills of international teaching assistants; custom-designed programs for UMD constituents and external organizations MEI offers rigorous courses of study while providing a positive and supportive learning community and promoting cross-cultural understanding.
- Multilingual Research Center (MRC)
The MRC is committed to promoting research and outreach related to multilingualism, multilingual communities, and the education of multilingual populations. Specifically, MRC aims to: increase the quality and number of TESOL, World Language, and dual language programs and teachers in Maryland, the nation, and the world through outreach; sponsor and conduct research which illuminates our understanding of multilingualism and multilingual communities; disseminate research results to teachers, school systems, and national and international research communities.
- National Foreign Language Center (NFLC)
UMD's National Foreign Language Center weighs-in on the importance of language programs in universities.
- Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies (CISESS)
CISESS is a national consortium of academic, non-profit, and community organizations, including Minority Serving Institutions, that focuses on research in satellite observations and Earth system modeling in support of the NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service Center for Satellite Applications and Research and the National Weather Service/National Centers for Environmental Prediction. The host organization for CISESS is the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center.
- Geospatial-Information Science and Remote Sensing
Faculty work to develop and apply advanced remote sensing capabilities and GI Science that will help to develop the next generation of GI technologies and understanding of the world’s geography.
- Institute for Physical Science and Technology (IPST)
The Institute provides support for theoretical and experimental research in areas at the intersection of traditional disciplines. Current research programs are in the areas of Applied Mathematics, Biophysics, Chaotic Dynamics, Chemical Physics, Optical Physics, Space Physics, Scientific Computation, and Statistical Physics.
- Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics (IREAP)
The mission of IREAP is to advance modern science through research and educational programs that are interdisciplinary between physical science and engineering.
- Joint Space Science Institute
The Joint Space-Science Institute is a research partnership between the Astronomy and Physics departments at University of Maryland (UMD) and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. It was created in 2010 to foster interdisciplinary collaborations between astronomers, physicist and astrophysicists in fields related to the study of strong gravity in black holes, high-energy astrophysics and astroparticle physics, cosmology and gravitational waves.
- Laboratory for Physical Sciences
A unique facility where university and federal government personnel collaborate on research in advanced communication and computer technologies.
- Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics (MCFP)
The Center was established in 2007 and includes three original theory groups: Elementary Particle Physics, Gravitation, and Quarks, Hadrons & Nuclei. The Center's goal is to answer fundamental theoretical questions about the world we live in, such as: How did the universe start and evolve to the present state? What are the ultimate laws that govern the fundamental forces of nature? What are we made of? MCFP hosts regular workshops and long and short term visitors, and supports graduate and post-doc fellows.
- Condensed Matter Theory Center (CMTC)
The purpose of the Center is to maintain sustained excellence in theoretical condensed matter physics at the University of Maryland. The Condensed Matter Theory Center (CMTC) has made pioneering contributions to exotic approaches to quantum computing now being pursued worldwide. Highly interactive and collaborative research on the deepest frontiers of theoretical condensed matter physics is the primary goal of CMTC. In addition to carrying out outstanding research in condensed matter theory, CMTC also hosts distinguished lectures by the leading researchers, and organizes small research workshops on important topics.
- Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science (QuICS)
The Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science (QuICS) is a collaboration with NIST that expands research at the junction of quantum physics, computer science and information theory, enabling the full potential of quantum computing.
- Joint Quantum Institute
Formed as a research partnership between UMD and NIST and supported by the Laboratory for Physical Sciences, JQI is dedicated to the broad study of quantum science—from theory to experiment—on a host of platforms. The JQI performs major experimental and theoretical research programs that are dedicated to the goals of controlling and exploiting quantum systems.
- LPS Qubit Collaboratory (LQC)
The LPS Qubit Collaboratory (LQC) is a national Quantum Information Science Research Center hosted at the National Security Agency’s Laboratory for Physical Sciences (LPS) at UMD. LQC advanced the development of qubits through an innovative model of collaboration between the government and a wide range of partners across the country.
- Mid-Atlantic Quantum Alliance (MQA)
The Mid-Atlantic Quantum Alliance harnesses one of the world's greatest concentrations of quantum expertise, facilities, and activities to make our region a leader in this second Quantum Revolution.
- National Quantum Laboratory (Q-Lab)
Established through a partnership between IonQ, Inc., a leading developer of quantum computing devices, and the University of Maryland, the National Quantum Laboratory (Q-Lab) enables the scientific community to pursue world-leading research through hands-on access to a commercial-grade quantum computer. UMD-affiliated students, faculty, researchers, staff and partners across the country have an unprecedented opportunity to gain experience with IonQ’s industry-leading trapped-ion quantum computer hardware and collaborate with IonQ scientists and engineers.
- Quantum Leap Challenge Institute for Robust Quantum Simulation
Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and led by the University of Maryland, the NSF Quantum Leap Challenge Institute for Robust Quantum Simulation brings together computer scientists, engineers and physicists from five academic institutions and the federal government. The institute is focused on developing quantum simulation devices that can understand, and thereby exploit, the rich behavior of complex quantum systems.
- Quantum Materials Center (QMC)
The Quantum Materials Center (QMC) is a specialized research center in the Department of Physics where scientists synthesize and explore novel quantum materials with the goal of enabling new quantum device platforms utilizing superconductivity, topology and other quantum phenomena.
- Quantum Startup Foundry
The Quantum Startup Foundry (QSF) at the University of Maryland brings together the resources needed—physical and virtual—to support entrepreneurs and startups in accelerating quantum technologies’ time to market.
- Quantum Technology Center
The Quantum Technology Center (QTC) joins researchers in engineering and physics to focus on translating quantum physics into innovative technologies.
- Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security (ARLIS)
ARLIS is the only Department of Defense University-Affiliated Research Center (UARC) designed to serve the defense security and intelligence community (IC) and is the only UARC located in the heart of the National Capital Region. ARLIS’s unique foci on social and sociotechnical systems, augmentation, and human-machine symbiosis is unique in service to the defense security and intelligence enterprise. ARLIS is the only UARC with core competencies in social science and human-centered systems.
- Center for Research on Military Organization (CRMO)
The primary purpose of the CRMO is to: coordinate research on the sociology of military institutions, war, and peacekeeping and those who participate in these institutions; conduct basic and applied research on military organization, military members, veterans and their families; train the next generation of military sociologists; serve as a nucleus for communication among social scientists conducting research on the military through publication of research findings and sponsorship of scientific conferences; and serve as a resource for policy makers so that decisions can be informed by the most recent social science research.
- Maryland Crime Research and Innovation Center (MCRIC)
Launched with support from the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services, the Maryland Crime Research and Innovation Center (MCRIC) at the University of Maryland provides research and data analysis to inform crime reduction strategy and policy to help make Maryland communities safer. The Center provides academic expertise, conducts research, integrates data, builds partnerships between government, academia, and industry, and develops and evaluates innovative criminal justice strategies aimed at preventing and reducing crime.
- Maryland Cybersecurity Center (MC2)
MC2 partners with government and industry to provide educational programs to prepare the future cybersecurity workforce, and develop new, innovative technologies to defend against cybersecurity attacks.
- Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute (MFRI)
The State's comprehensive training and education system for emergency services. The Institute plans, researches, develop, and delivers quality programs to enhance the ability of emergency services providers to protect life, the environment, and property. MFRI is the State's fire and emergency service training agency.
- National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START)
A university-based research center committed to the scientific study of the causes and human consequences of terrorism in the United States and around the world.
- National Cybersecurity FFRDC
Partnership with National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), The MITRE Corporation and the University System of Maryland solely dedicated to enhancing cybersecurity and protecting national information systems.
- SAFE Center for Human Trafficking Survivors
The University of Maryland Support, Advocacy, Freedom, and Empowerment (SAFE) Center for Human Trafficking Survivors provides survivor-centered and trauma-informed services that empower trafficking survivors to heal and reclaim their lives. The SAFE Center aims to prevent trafficking and better serve survivors through research and policy advocacy.
- The Anti-Black Racism Initiative
The primary goal of the Anti-Black Racism Initiative is to address racism on our campus and in our local community, produce scholarship that advances a national conversation and policy agenda on social justice, and empower students to envision and create a racially equitable future.
- The Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development
The Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development was established at the University of Maryland, College Park in 1997 in memory of the late Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. The Anwar Sadat Chair works to further the dialogue for peace in the Middle East and throughout the world.
- The Bahá'í Chair for World Peace
The Bahá’í Chair for World Peace at the University of Maryland is an endowed academic program that advances interdisciplinary examination and discourse on global peace. While drawing certain initial insights from religion, the program aims to develop a sound scientific basis for knowledge and strategies that lead to the creation of a better world.
- Consortium on Race, Gender, and Ethnicity (CRGE)
The Consortium on Race, Gender and Ethnicity (CRGE), a university-wide, interdisciplinary research organization and pedagogic/mentoring unit, was founded in 1998 by pioneering faculty who developed a critical area of intersectional scholarship in the contemporary academy. CRGE is the first national interdisciplinary research center of its kind and is at the forefront of advancing equity, inclusion, intersectional qualitative, and mixed-methods research on campus and across the nation. We are uniquely focused on intersectional research and uplifting and mentoring traditionally and historically underrepresented minority (URM) students and early career faculty.
- Do Good Institute
The Do Good Institute believes that all members of the Do Good campus community bring valuable experiences, backgrounds, identities, and fields of study or interests. It is based on these diversity of perspectives that students are creating effective change, making a powerful impact, and innovating creative solutions to our world’s most pressing challenges.
- Maryland Population Research Center
The cross-disciplinary research interests of our faculty allow the Center to make a unique contribution to the field of population studies and to develop a variety of young scholars and encourage scholars from allied fields to engage in population-related research through research support, training, and mentoring.
- Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR)
The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) empowers UMD students and campus partners to equitably and inclusively engage and succeed in inquiry, creative activity, and scholarship. OUR provides programs, services, and resources that support UMD's capacities to broaden culture, presence, and community around undergraduate research and scholarly activities across OUR campus; ensure equitable and inclusive access to undergraduate research opportunities for OUR faculty and students of all backgrounds and levels of experience; and support opportunities for OUR students to earn degree-advancing academic credit and emerging forms of novel credentialing.
- CMNS Teaching and Learning Center
The main purpose of the CMNS Teaching and Learning Center is to promote excellence in teaching and learning in the sciences. Towards this end, the Center organizes conversations on teaching and learning for faculty, postdoctoral scholars, and graduate students (in coordination with the campus Center for Teaching Excellence), shares teaching innovations, and explores pressing issues in undergraduate science education.