Disclosure Office
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University of Maryland Integrity Statement
The University of Maryland’s (UMD) reputation as a premier research institution depends on its reputation for research integrity. It is in this spirit that we expect all research undertaken at the institution to meet the highest standards for integrity in all areas of research endeavors (e.g., authorship and publication; data management and reporting; export compliance; conflict of interest and conflict of commitment disclosures and transparency; mentorship; use of human subjects or animals; laboratory, biological and radiation safety) as established by the international research community. To that end, we are dedicated to providing our faculty, students, trainees, and staff with the support, education, and resources necessary to ensure a culture of integrity in every aspect of their work.
What is a Conflict of Interest?
Conflicts of interest can occur when members of the University community are in a position to gain, or appear to gain, financial advantage or personal benefit (broadly construed) arising from their University positions, either through outside professional activities or through their research, administrative, or educational actions or decisions at the University. Because University employees are also State employees, provisions in the Maryland Public Ethics Law and University Policies in regard to outside activities still apply.
University of Maryland Policy on Conflict of Interest in Research
University employees covered by the University Policy on Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment share an obligation to conduct their professional affairs in a manner consistent with the University's mission and to conduct their relationships with each other and the University with candor and integrity. Conflicts—whether real or perceived— can undermine the integrity of UMD research and sponsored programs. The University requires employees to disclose actual or potential ethical, legal, financial, or other conflicts of interest and commitment. The majority of these conflicts of interest can be managed, but sometimes they cannot be managed and must be avoided. However, conflicts of interest must always be recognized, disclosed, and appropriately addressed. The COI Committee oversees the campus adherence to this policy.
Agency Requirements
Conflict of Interest regulations vary slightly depending on the funding agency; however, completion of an inTERP Disclosure should fulfill your obligation to the agency. You should read the agency's Guidelines for the specific Request for Proposal and the agency's regulations carefully to ensure that all requirements are met in this disclosure.
Conflict of Interest Office
- Dr. Patrick O'Shea, Chair of the COI Committee
- Dr. Beth Brittan-Powell, COI Administrator, Director of the Disclosure Office
- Ms. Maura Trimble, Assistant Director
- Ms. Sophie Page, Disclosure Specialist
- Ms. Glynis Smith, Disclosure Office Support, Faculty Assistant
How best to reach us: interp@umd.edu