Grand Challenges: Increasing Sustainability, Accessibility, and Equity in Urban Mobility with A Self-driving E-Scooter
Grant Type: Individual Project Grant
Topics: Sustainability, Climate Change, Equity, Cities of the Future
College Represented: ENGR
Summary:The long-term goal of this Grand Challenge project is to increase sustainability, accessibility, and equity in urban mobility through electric-powered scooters by enabling them to autonomously move where they are needed the most. The specific research objective is to create self-driving e-scooters using tools from robotics, engineering, and computer science to solve the problem of creating a low-emissions, convenient, and inexpensive transportation modality for dense urban settings. The research provides training opportunities for students interested in autonomous robotics and self-driving vehicles.
PI: Derek Paley (ENGR),
Professor, Aerospace Engineering and
the Institute for Systems Research, and
Director of the Maryland Robotics Center,