Grand Challenges: Relating Attitudes on Democracy to Attitudes on Race and Ethnicity
Grant Type: Individual Project Grant
Topics: Threats to Democracy
College Represented: BSOS
This project will include three annual polls through the University of Maryland’s Critical Issues Poll that will study change in American public attitudes on two critical issues of the day: 1) Attitudes about threats to American democracy and their impact on American foreign policy; and 2) Shifting attitudes on racial/ethnic/religious relations in America. These polls will address hypotheses developed over previous research that has led to several publications. The three-year period of study will span the 2024 national elections. The polls will be carried out among large national samples, with oversampling of smaller groups. Besides releasing the results for the public discourse in key outlets, the project will also produce at least one annual publication analyzing the results.
PI: Shibley Telhami (BSOS),
Anwar Sadat Professor for
Peace and Development and Director of the
University of Maryland Critical Issues Poll