Unit Head/Chair/Dean/Director
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Unit Head/Chair/Director/Dean: Thoughtful Review
Reviewers include Department Chairs, Unit Heads, College Deans, and Center Directors. Before their review is complete, reviewers will confirm the following statement: “I certify I have reviewed and approved the information provided in this disclosure form. To the best of my knowledge, a full disclosure of reportable conflicts of interest and outside activities has been submitted. I understand that further review may be conducted by other Senior Administrators, Office of Research Compliance, the Conflict of Interest Committee, and a Management Plan may be implemented.”
Based on their review of the disclosure, reviewers assess whether a conflict of interest exists and determine if a management plan is needed to address it. These assessments are crucial for supporting the Disclosure Office and the Conflict of Interest Committee in completing their evaluation and making final dispositions. Reviewers confirm they have read, commented on, and believe all pertinent information is disclosed to the best of their knowledge. They are responsible for reviewing and signing off on the disclosure before its submission to the COI Committee, selecting an option to indicate whether they believe a conflict exists and if a management plan is necessary.
The Disclosure Office has created guidelines for reviewers to follow when reviewing and assessing information provided in disclosures.