University of Maryland Consulting Policy
The Interim University of Maryland Policy on Consulting (II-3.10[E]) was developed as a result of federal, state, and local requirements, including:
- The National Security Presidential Memo (NSPM-33)/NSPM-33 Guidance and the regulatory and contractual requirements of federal agencies (e.g., PHS, NSF, and DOE), which require that institutions that receive government funding have processes in place for disclosing all outside professional activities including Consulting and for reviewing conflicts of interest/commitment (COI/COC);
- Maryland State Ethics Law (General Provisions Article, Title 5 - Maryland Public Ethics Law, Subtitle 5) that applies to all UMD employees – The University received guidance from the Maryland State Ethics Commission on the obligations of University employees associated with conflict of interest and conflict of commitment; and
- The USM Policy on Professional Commitment of Faculty (II-3.10), which includes a provision on outside professional consulting and requires an institutional policy be in place.
University employees entering into a Consulting or related agreement with an external entity must provide a signed copy of the internal Consulting Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), to the external entity with which the employee is Consulting. Employees may provide the same signed copy of the Consulting MOU to each external entity with which they consult.
Evolution of the interim Consulting Policy & review:
- A working group composed of a variety of stakeholders from campus representing the Office of General Counsel (OGC), the Office of Faculty Affairs, Conflict of Interest (COI), the Division of Information Technology (DIT), the Division of Research etc., worked collaboratively to develop a draft interim Consulting policy.
- The draft policy was reviewed and refined following input on the COI process and input from the deans, the Senate Director, the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, the Senior Vice President & Provost, the Senate Leadership, and OGC.
- The interim Consulting Policy was approved pending Senate review by the President on October 14, 2022.
The interim policy is now undergoing a thorough Senate review through the University Research Council with opportunities for stakeholder feedback before recommendations are finalized.
If you have questions about Consulting or the Interim UMD Policy on Consulting, please email