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DLAR Per Diem and Animal Care/Support Rates

The Department of Laboratory Animal Resources (DLAR) provides care to all University of Maryland animals housed in DLAR-managed vivaria. DLAR offers the UMD research community economical, efficient, high-quality care and specialized services that facilitate scientific advancements while upholding the highest animal welfare standards.

DLAR’s shared services, equipment, resources and expertise are provided on a fee-for-service basis (usually in the form of a recharge rate).

To recover a portion of the money spent on animal care, DLAR charges per diem rates for the various species housed in DLAR-managed facilities. Per diem rates are charged for each day or fraction of a day that a cage or animal is in a DLAR-managed space. Per diems are not prorated.

Animal care costs depend on multiple factors, including cost of feed, bedding, PPE and other critical animal care supplies and equipment. Rates are currently subsidized by the University and subject to periodic reevaluation. The tables below show the University-subsidized rates for DLAR-managed facilities; rates for non-DLAR facilities and non-University researchers may vary.

Per diem rates for animal care or direct charges for personnel costs and supplies are based on the cost analysis and recovery procedures outlined in the National Institutes of Health (NIH)’s Cost Analysis and Rate Setting Manual for Animal Research Facilities.

If you don’t see the species with which you intend to work, please contact DLAR for rates. For additional information on per diem and other DLAR Animal Care Rates, please visit our FAQs (under construction).

Per Diem Costs

  • Routine and standard husbandry
  • Routine cage changes (per DLAR standard practices)
  • Routine colony healthcare (diagnostics and treatment)
  • Emergency animal care (i.e., not related to/caused by research protocols or activities)
  • Animal self-injury care (e.g., suturing, wound care)
  • Daily animal rounds
  • Routine sentinel program testing for animals housed in DLAR facilities AND paying DLAR standard per diem rates
  • Euthanasia-related carcass or tissue disposal
  • Diagnostic necropsies
  • Training
  • Routine facility inspections, maintenance and repairs
  • Routine billing
  • Protocol pre-review and consultation
  • Quarantine assays
  • Routine sentinel program testing for animals housed outside of DLAR facilities
  • Routine sentinel program testing for animals housed in DLAR facilities but NOT paying DLAR standard per diem rates
  • Special husbandry requests
  • Extra cage changes related to research model or protocol requirements (e.g., PU/PD models, reduced bedding requests, etc.)
  • Special housing or room segregation requests
  • Research support activities (injections, tissue sample collection, anesthesia, surgical support, postop care, breeding services, euthanasia, etc.)
  • Special technical services or supplies, including drug administration, supplies or materials requested by PIs
  • Special PPE requests
  • Emergency care or treatment related to or resulting from research activities
  • Research-related necropsies
  • Animal shipping and crate fees
  • Animal import and export fees
  • Special invoicing requests


DLAR Per Diem Rates*

Mouse Rates (FY25**) Type
Static cage $0.80 cage
Ventilated cage $1.00 cage
Rat Rates (FY25**) Type
Ventilated cage $ 1.20 cage

Other Species

Gerbil Rates (FY25**) Type
Static cage $ 1.20 cage
Guinea pig Rates (FY25**) Type
Ventilated cage $ 1.40 cage
Peromyscus spp. Rates (FY25**) Type
Static cage $ 1.00 cage
Pig Rates (FY25**) Type
< 120 pounds $ 20.00 animal
> 120 pounds varies animal
Rabbit Rates (FY25**) Type
Cage $ 6.25 animal

*Rates apply to standard conditions. Special care, equipment, supplies, etc., may be charged additional labor and direct costs.

**Rates effective FY19.

Miscellaneous Animal Husbandry Charges

Personnel Labor Fees# Rates†/Fees (FY25**) Time
Animal Care Support $26.75 hour
Animal Care Support (Weekday- after hours; Weekends; Holidays) $40.00 hour

DLAR Technical / Surgical / Protocol Support Services

Personnel Labor Fees## Rates†/Fees (FY25**) Time
Technician fees $40.00 hour
Veterinary professional fees $100.00 hour
After hours technician/veterinary professional fees- (after hours protocol support is provided only in an emergency or by appointment) 1.5 X std rate hour

##Technical/professional support labor fees apply to technical services performed by a technician or veterinarian in direct support of a specific protocol (e.g., sample collection, compound administration, surgery, anesthesia, diagnostics, euthanasia, necropsy, and other technical procedures for protocol purposes). Routine clinical and surgical care and protocol review/consultation services are covered by per diem rates.

†Rates are charged in 15 minute increments beyond any minimum charges.

**Rates are effective FY19

Sterilization Rates/Fees (FY25) Type
Autoclave $25.00 run
Ethylene Oxide $25.00 run
Ethylene Oxide packaging $2.00 bag
Equipment Usage*** Rates†/Fees (FY25) Time
Anesthesia machine (Rodent- RC-2) $10.00 hour
Anesthesia machine (Rodent- Compact-5) $15.00 hour
Cancelled reservation (less than 48 hr notice to cancel may incur a cancellation charge) varies varies

***Equipment usage is charged at a minimum of an hour.

†Rates are charged in 15 minute increments beyond any minimum charges.

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