University of Maryland Libraries Phased Reopening to Begin in July
The University of Maryland Libraries will move into Phase 1 of reopening on July 13, 2020. Phase 1 is a preparation phase with no public access to buildings and no in-person services. The Libraries' many services, instruction sessions, and resources will continue to be available online. Progression to Phase 1 is based on state/USM plans to ease restrictions, and new guidance and protocols in place regarding staff/faculty safety, facilities readiness, etc. This initial phase includes:
TRACE Center is Leading the Way in Researching and Designing Tools for Digital Accessibility During COVID-19
In the face of COVID-19 and the nearly overnight shift to mandatory online and virtual interactions, the topic of digital accessibility for people with disabilities has a greatly increased importance. Companies,organizations, government agencies, universities, and schools are addressing accessibility of their websites, applications, and other digital interfaces with a heightened sense of urgency.
Exploring a Dark Past to Prepare for a Brighter Future
When we think about the founding of America, it is important to acknowledge the country’s tough and complex history. Race and racism are topics that receive regular circulation across news platforms. Discussions about these topics can be difficult and provoke strong emotions. Yet most students leave high school without an adequate understanding of the role slavery played in the development of the United States—or how its legacies still influence us today.
News from Maryland Today
University News

10 Faculty Receive UMD Independent Scholarship, Research, and Creativity Awards

UMD Celebrates 10 Years as Top-10 School for Innovation and Entrepreneurship