Study Shows Three Medications Currently on the Market May Have Unexpected Effects
A new study of 1,443 medications found that three prescription drugs currently on the market caused unexpected changes in worms that could point to potential, unrecognized effects in humans.
New Study Finds Supershedder Transmission Difficult to Mitigate
Don Milton, professor of environmental health, along with lead author and post doctoral fellow Jake Bueno de Mesquita, published an article on how airborne transmission contributes to influenza epidemics. Using data from the largest human influenza challenge-transmission trial, researchers applied the data to university dormitory environments. Drs.
The Impact of Trauma, Depression and Substance Use on Black Sexual Minority Men and Transgender Womens Health in the US
Associate Professor Typhanye Dyer and Assistant Research Professor Rodman Turpin conducted two studies on the role of syndemics—combinations of adverse social, structural and individual factors—on health outcomes among Black sexual minority men and transgender women in the US.
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UMD Celebrates 10 Years as Top-10 School for Innovation and Entrepreneurship