About the Grand Challenge Grants Program
The University of Maryland takes on humanity’s grand challenges, setting forth an ambitious agenda and vision to move our institution fearlessly forward in the pursuit of excellence and impact for the public good. Our university is a world-class institution with ideas, interests and capabilities that can profoundly impact and improve our communities and the world. This has been true throughout our history, and will continue into our future as a strategic commitment in Fearlessly Forward: the University of Maryland Strategic Plan.
In April 2022, the University of Maryland launched the Grand Challenges Grants Program — the largest and most comprehensive program of its type ever introduced at our university. Over $30 million dollars in institutional investments will support programs, initiatives and projects designed to impact enduring and emerging societal issues, including climate change, social injustice, global health, education disparities, poverty, and threats to our democracy.
The Grand Challenges Grants program provided 50 awards across the following categories:
The work supported through this program will positively impact our society and help move our campus, state, nation and world fearlessly forward.
Jennifer King Rice
Senior Vice President and Provost
Gregory F. Ball
Vice President for Research