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Wide-angle view of McKeldin Library with lens flare.


Displaying 295 - 297 of 736
  • $1.14M from the State of Maryland will Match Private Donation to Establish Two Brendan Iribe Endowed Professorships at UMD

    The University of Maryland will receive $1.14 million from the Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative (MEI) to fully match a private donation establishing the Brendan Iribe Endowed Professorship in Computer Science and the Brendan Iribe Endowed Professorship in Electrical and Computer Engineering. These new endowed professorships, made possible by the generosity of alum Brendan Iribe (ee-REEB’), will be held by experts in robotics, autonomy, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

  • When Helping Hurts the Helper

    Helping out a co-worker—hard to find fault with that, right? In fact, depending on the source and kind of help being offered, it might be perceived more like a threat than a relief, according to new University of Maryland research.

  • Humans vs. Machines: Examining the Effectiveness of Automated Topic Modeling Evaluations

    Topic modeling—a machine learning technique originally developed as a text mining tool for computer scientists—is now widely used by historians, journalists and analysts to make sense of large collections of text. These probabilistic models produce various lists of related words, and each list corresponds to a subject in the collection. But despite their popularity, there are flaws in the way that topic models are evaluated for their accuracy, which ultimately affects how useful they are to the people that rely on them.

News from Maryland Today

University News

researcher wearing black Maryland hat jots down notes in field with cows

10 Faculty Receive UMD Independent Scholarship, Research, and Creativity Awards

Grants to Support Individual Projects in Arts, AI, Architecture and More
View Article 10 Faculty Receive UMD Independent Scholarship, Research, and Creativity Awards
Aerial view of McKeldin Mall

UMD Celebrates 10 Years as Top-10 School for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Princeton Review, Entrepreneur Magazine List Ranks UMD at No. 7 Overall, No. 5 Among Public Universities
View Article UMD Celebrates 10 Years as Top-10 School for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
collage of battery, quantum chip and super wood technology

$2.3M in State Grants Awarded to UMD-Affiliated Innovation Projects

Maryland Department of Commerce Funding to Support Advances in Energy Storage, Materials, Quantum and More
View Article $2.3M in State Grants Awarded to UMD-Affiliated Innovation Projects
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