Mapping the Quantum Frontier
It’s hard to envision a time when computers didn’t more or less disappear into beige office landscapes or pile up, obsolete in closets like increasingly ancient geological strata. The technological behemoths that Franz Klein works with, however, still evoke a twinge of dawn-of-the-space-age wonder.
NSF Awards Grant to Support Supply Chain Security Research
Michel Cukier, professor of reliability engineering at the University of Maryland (UMD), is co-PI on a $9 million, multi-institutional National Science Foundation (NSF) grant that supports research on the technical challenges involved in software supply chain security, as well as initiatives to foster greater diversity in the software industry.
$1.6M Grant Supports UMD Study to Improve State’s Outreach to Students With Disabilities
A $1.6 million award from the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) will fund a University of Maryland study on the effectiveness of its outreach to students with disabilities who are preparing for future employment, training or college. The College of Education’s Center for Transition and Career Innovation (CTCI) will over two years evaluate MDSE’s pre-employment transition services program including its outreach efforts and methods of communication, and to develop a new model for assessing and delivering those services.
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10 Faculty Receive UMD Independent Scholarship, Research, and Creativity Awards

UMD Celebrates 10 Years as Top-10 School for Innovation and Entrepreneurship