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Wide-angle view of McKeldin Library with lens flare.


Displaying 271 - 273 of 701
  • New Study Shows the Largest Comet Ever Observed was Active at Near-Record Distance

    A new study by University of Maryland astronomers shows that comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein (BB), the largest comet ever discovered, was active long before previously thought, meaning the ice within it is vaporizing and forming an envelope of dust and vapor known as a coma. Only one active comet has been observed farther from the sun, and it was much smaller than comet BB.

  • The Secret to Safer Communities: More Services

    A new University of Maryland study conducted in a neighboring Prince George’s County community suggests that creating safer Black and Latinx neighborhoods doesn’t require more policing, but more investment. The research examined outcomes of a four-year crime reduction project in Langley Park, demonstrating that more streetlights, mental health services, youth outreach and public art are as important—and possibly more effective—at boosting community safety in immigrant neighborhoods than programs designed to build trust with local police.

  • A Singular Weapon in Stormwater Management: Urban Trees

    It’s hard to overstate the environmental importance of trees, which among other functions pull climate change-inducing carbon from the atmosphere, clean the air of toxins and help control runoff. While it can likewise be hard to quantify some of these effects, a new study by University of Maryland researchers helps clarify the role of urban trees in mitigating stormwater flows, and finds that even isolated trees lining a street or planted in a park may have a significant effect.

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University News

collage of battery, quantum chip and super wood technology

$2.3M in State Grants Awarded to UMD-Affiliated Innovation Projects

Maryland Department of Commerce Funding to Support Advances in Energy Storage, Materials, Quantum and More
View Article $2.3M in State Grants Awarded to UMD-Affiliated Innovation Projects
People stand at the podium at an award ceremony

Groundbreaking Plasma Innovation Shines as Top Invention of the Year

Innovate Maryland Also Celebrates Research on AI Detection, Cancer Treatment, Quantum Computing
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University of Maryland sundial

University of Maryland Research Spending Rises, Earning Top 20 Ranking From NSF

Annual Survey Puts UMD at No. 19 Overall, No. 11 Among Public Institutions
View Article University of Maryland Research Spending Rises, Earning Top 20 Ranking From NSF
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