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Displaying 52 - 54 of 701
  • UMD Study Finds Brain Connectivity, Memory Improves in Older Adults After Walking

    Regular walks strengthen connections in and between brain networks, according to new University of Maryland School of Public Health research, adding to growing evidence linking exercise with slowing the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Pursuing Work-Life Balance Isn’t a Want, It’s a Need for Success

    Finding work-life balance may not guarantee your success, but without it, failure is almost inevitable. The pursuit of work-life balance feels like a race without a finish line – people are trying to win the battle of doing more of everything while doing it well. The fruits of those labors create sentiments of disharmony, exhaustion, inefficacy, frustration and disappointment – also known as the warning signs of an imbalanced life.

  • Eminent Nuclear Physicists Convene at UMD to Discuss Future of Nuclear Deterrence and Arms Control

    Over the past decade, the United States and Russia, the two countries holding 90 percent of the world’s nuclear weapons, have withdrawn from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and the Open Skies Treaty, while the New START treaty — the last remaining bilateral agreement limiting their nuclear arsenals — has a fast-approaching expiration date. Instead of reducing the size of their arsenals, China and North Korea are building up their stockpiles while the United States, Russia and China are all implementing nuclear modernization plans.

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University News

collage of battery, quantum chip and super wood technology

$2.3M in State Grants Awarded to UMD-Affiliated Innovation Projects

Maryland Department of Commerce Funding to Support Advances in Energy Storage, Materials, Quantum and More
View Article $2.3M in State Grants Awarded to UMD-Affiliated Innovation Projects
People stand at the podium at an award ceremony

Groundbreaking Plasma Innovation Shines as Top Invention of the Year

Innovate Maryland Also Celebrates Research on AI Detection, Cancer Treatment, Quantum Computing
View Article Groundbreaking Plasma Innovation Shines as Top Invention of the Year
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University of Maryland Research Spending Rises, Earning Top 20 Ranking From NSF

Annual Survey Puts UMD at No. 19 Overall, No. 11 Among Public Institutions
View Article University of Maryland Research Spending Rises, Earning Top 20 Ranking From NSF
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