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Meeting Dates & Deadlines

All research and teaching activities must be covered by an approved IACUC protocol. Please use the following guidelines to determine what should be submitted to the IACUC.

IACUC Meetings

Due to a new pre-review process, all new protocols and 3-year renewals must be submitted to IRBnet by the 15th of the month prior to the committee meeting at which the protocol will be considered (e.g., by June 15th for the July IACUC meeting). Pre-review is NOT the same as an IACUC Committee Review. For more information, please see our Protocol Submission and Approval FAQs.

The new pre-review process includes administrative, veterinary, and hazards pre-reviews. Performing each of those takes time, and we want to provide as much feedback up front as possible. Once these pre-reviews are complete, PIs will receive the feedback and have about 10 days to make corrections (see dates below). Once those corrections are made, the IACUC office staff must assign committee reviewers, send out the information to the committee, and allow time for the committee to review and meet to discuss.  The goal is to get each protocol as close to complete as possible prior to the meeting. 

Amendments are accepted on a rolling basis and are not necessarily tied to a meeting date. More complex amendments, those submitted in response to an adverse event, and/or those involving pain category E procedures may require review at the full committee meeting.For more information on amendment submission, contact an us at

All protocols and protocol related documentation must be submitted by the PI through IRBnet. IACUC staff cannot submit on behalf of a PI. Expiring protocols cannot be administratively extended. 

The UMD IACUC does not convene in August but will still accept protocol and amendment submissions. Amendments are processed in August as usual. For protocols expiring in August, we advise renewals to be submitted on July 1st for the July meeting.

Important Dates for 2024

Submit Protocols by: Pre-Review Comments to PI by: Revisions Due Back from PI by: IACUC Meeting Date:
Apr 15, 2024 May 1, 2024 May 15, 2024 May 23, 2024
May 15, 2024 June 5, 2024 June 19, 2024 June 27, 2024
June 15, 2024 July 3, 2024 July 10, 2024 July 25, 2024
Aug 15, 2024 Sept 4, 2024 Sept 11, 2024 Sept 26, 2024
Sept 15, 2024 Oct 2, 2024 Oct 9, 2024 Oct 24, 2024
Oct 15, 2024 Oct 30, 2024 Nov 6, 2024 Nov 14, 2024
Nov 15, 2024 Dec 4, 2024 Dec 11, 2024 Dec 19, 2024
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