Research Leaders Fellows Program

The University of Maryland’s Research Leaders Fellows Program is designed to accelerate the growth and potential of future research leaders at the University of Maryland through an intensive cohort-based leadership program with the goal of elevating the research career, productivity, and impact of UMD’s most promising researchers.
This 10-month collaborative program led by the Office of the Vice President for Research (VPR), fulfills one of twelve initiatives that President Pines announced on July 1, 2020. The program will feature ten interactive modules that will prepare and position faculty to accelerate the growth of their research program to new levels of excellence. Approximately 18 Fellows will be selected to participate in this initial cohort.
This program is specifically designed for recently tenured Associate Professors who have the potential to lead multidisciplinary research initiatives and/or direct future campus-wide centers or institutes. Nominations will be solicited from the Deans; however, we encourage candidates to self nominate as well. Deans do not need to endorse or review self-nominations. Exceptions for Professional Track Faculty and assistant and full professors will be considered with appropriate justification.
More information about the Research Leaders Fellows Program can be found below:
Please note that all applications, including self-nominations and those submitted by Deans, should be submitted to Hana Kabashi at