Laura Rosenthal Publishes New Book "Ways of the World"
Ways of the World explores cosmopolitanism as it emerged during the Restoration and the role theater played in both memorializing and satirizing its implications and consequences. This spring, Laura J. Rosenthal released her newest work with Cornell Press: Ways of the World: Theater and Cosmopolitanism in the Restoration and Beyond.
Researchers Look to Human Social Sensors to Better Predict Elections, Other Trends
Professor Frauke Kreuter of UMD's Joint Program in Survey Methodology and of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich is a co-author on a new perspective piece inNature that describes how human interactions and social awareness may be able to fill in gaps where surveys and other scientific analyses of human behavior fall short.
Lampropoulos Receives $540K NSF Award to Advance Proof Engineering Software and Protocols
A University of Maryland expert in programming languages has received a National Science Foundation (NSF) award to advance the development and maintenance of large and evolving software verification projects that use proof assistants. Proof assistants are software tools to assist in proofs—formal verification—of complex mathematical equations used in computing.