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Displaying 415 - 417 of 734
  • Professor's New Book Explores Failed Promise of Reconstruction

    In his new book, English Professor Robert Levine (below) explores the failure of Reconstruction through the lens of abolitionist Fredrick Douglass' changing view of President Andrew Johnson, who took office after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. It was a year of presidential impeachment and struggles over African American voting rights—wait, are we talking about 2021 or 1868?

  • Academia, a Promised Land?

    For women with a science or engineering PhD, is academia a more equitable haven, compared to industry? Is it a place where gender gaps narrow in pay and promotions? In recent research published in Nature Biotechnology, Maryland Smith’s Rajshree Agarwal and Waverly Ding, together with Hitotsubashi University’s Atsushi Ohyama, explored those questions. Writing for the journal’s “Behind the Paper” series, they describe their findings.

  • How tech can fill gaps in mental health care

    As the clouds of mental illness gather, it can be difficult for patients to recognize their own symptoms and find necessary help to navigate storms like episodes of depression or schizophrenia.

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University News

researcher wearing black Maryland hat jots down notes in field with cows

10 Faculty Receive UMD Independent Scholarship, Research, and Creativity Awards

Grants to Support Individual Projects in Arts, AI, Architecture and More
View Article 10 Faculty Receive UMD Independent Scholarship, Research, and Creativity Awards
Aerial view of McKeldin Mall

UMD Celebrates 10 Years as Top-10 School for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Princeton Review, Entrepreneur Magazine List Ranks UMD at No. 7 Overall, No. 5 Among Public Universities
View Article UMD Celebrates 10 Years as Top-10 School for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
collage of battery, quantum chip and super wood technology

$2.3M in State Grants Awarded to UMD-Affiliated Innovation Projects

Maryland Department of Commerce Funding to Support Advances in Energy Storage, Materials, Quantum and More
View Article $2.3M in State Grants Awarded to UMD-Affiliated Innovation Projects
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