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Wide-angle view of McKeldin Library with lens flare.


Displaying 592 - 594 of 701
  • UMD Astronomers Find X-rays Lingering Years After Landmark Neutron Star Collision

    It’s been three years since the landmark detection of a neutron star merger from gravitational waves. And since that day, an international team of researchers led by University of Maryland astronomer Eleonora Troja has been continuously monitoring the subsequent radiation emissions to provide the most complete picture of such an event.

  • Does It Still take a Village?

    A team of UMD researchers funded by a new $2.5 million grant will study how marriage and kinship in impoverished communities in Nairobi, Kenya (pictured) shape childrearing there. (Photo by Shutterstock) The old adage “it takes a village” refers to the support network of family and community necessary to raise a child, and now a multidisciplinary team of University of Maryland researchers will spend the next five years examining how the proverbial “village” functions in rapidly urbanizing yet impoverished communities in Kenya.

  • UMD Researchers Develop Tools to Sharpen 3D View of Large RNA Molecules

    University of Maryland scientists have developed a method to determine the structures of large RNA molecules at high resolution. The method overcomes a challenge that has limited 3D analysis and imaging of RNA to only small molecules and pieces of RNA for the past 50 years.

News from Maryland Today

University News

collage of battery, quantum chip and super wood technology

$2.3M in State Grants Awarded to UMD-Affiliated Innovation Projects

Maryland Department of Commerce Funding to Support Advances in Energy Storage, Materials, Quantum and More
View Article $2.3M in State Grants Awarded to UMD-Affiliated Innovation Projects
People stand at the podium at an award ceremony

Groundbreaking Plasma Innovation Shines as Top Invention of the Year

Innovate Maryland Also Celebrates Research on AI Detection, Cancer Treatment, Quantum Computing
View Article Groundbreaking Plasma Innovation Shines as Top Invention of the Year
University of Maryland sundial

University of Maryland Research Spending Rises, Earning Top 20 Ranking From NSF

Annual Survey Puts UMD at No. 19 Overall, No. 11 Among Public Institutions
View Article University of Maryland Research Spending Rises, Earning Top 20 Ranking From NSF
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