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Displaying 559 - 561 of 701
  • UMD Awarded $4.6 Million Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center

    A University of Maryland-led research collaboration received a $4.6 million grant to improve rehabilitation interventions for patients with sensorimotor impairments resulting from a stroke, as well as for older adults who face a high risk of falls. Funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, the research team will work to develop technology-enabled therapies and novel techniques to assess impairment. The group hopes that their innovations could augment clinical and home-based treatment options.

  • UMIACS Team Awarded $1.2M from Army Research Laboratory

    A team of researchers from the University of Maryland has received funding from the (link is external) (ARL) to develop innovative computational methods that can simulate the effect of low-frequency electromagnetic fields on human organs.

  • $4.96M for Maryland researchers in DARPA AISS semiconductor security project

    Cybersecurity threats don’t just come from clicking a link in the wrong email. In recent years cybersecurity threats are being directed against the integrated circuit (IC) chips that run every computer—from top secret super computers, to your laptop, to Internet of Things devices like your “smart” TV or thermostat. Today, a well-placed cyberattack on IC chips could potentially impact billions of devices. But currently, there are no widely used common tools, methods or solutions to make designing and manufacturing IC chips more secure.

News from Maryland Today

University News

collage of battery, quantum chip and super wood technology

$2.3M in State Grants Awarded to UMD-Affiliated Innovation Projects

Maryland Department of Commerce Funding to Support Advances in Energy Storage, Materials, Quantum and More
View Article $2.3M in State Grants Awarded to UMD-Affiliated Innovation Projects
People stand at the podium at an award ceremony

Groundbreaking Plasma Innovation Shines as Top Invention of the Year

Innovate Maryland Also Celebrates Research on AI Detection, Cancer Treatment, Quantum Computing
View Article Groundbreaking Plasma Innovation Shines as Top Invention of the Year
University of Maryland sundial

University of Maryland Research Spending Rises, Earning Top 20 Ranking From NSF

Annual Survey Puts UMD at No. 19 Overall, No. 11 Among Public Institutions
View Article University of Maryland Research Spending Rises, Earning Top 20 Ranking From NSF
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