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Wide-angle view of McKeldin Library with lens flare.


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  • Social Distancing: Drop Seen for First Time Since Outbreak

    The COVID-19 outbreak is far from over—but some Americans are jumping the gun when it comes to easing up on social distancing, according to new data from the University of Maryland (UMD).

  • Incubator Hatches COVID-19 Solutions

    It started with a simple goal: Create a 3D-printed mask that could be used when personal protective equipment (PPE) is in short supply, just to see if it could be done.Soon, the staff at TechPort, a University of Maryland-supported business incubator in St. Mary’s County, was handling a much larger operation, with dozens of local engineers joining in after word spread to produce face shields, breast pumps-turned-ventilators, and a device to sterilize PPE using heat.

  • Online Series Launched on Understanding and Exploring Network Epidemiology in the Time of Coronavirus

    Understanding and Exploring Network Epidemiology in the Time of Coronavirus (#Net_COVID) is a special online workshop series developed and presented by the University of Maryland’s COMBINE program in network biology in partnership with Vermont’s Complex Systems Center.

News from Maryland Today

University News

collage of battery, quantum chip and super wood technology

$2.3M in State Grants Awarded to UMD-Affiliated Innovation Projects

Maryland Department of Commerce Funding to Support Advances in Energy Storage, Materials, Quantum and More
View Article $2.3M in State Grants Awarded to UMD-Affiliated Innovation Projects
People stand at the podium at an award ceremony

Groundbreaking Plasma Innovation Shines as Top Invention of the Year

Innovate Maryland Also Celebrates Research on AI Detection, Cancer Treatment, Quantum Computing
View Article Groundbreaking Plasma Innovation Shines as Top Invention of the Year
University of Maryland sundial

University of Maryland Research Spending Rises, Earning Top 20 Ranking From NSF

Annual Survey Puts UMD at No. 19 Overall, No. 11 Among Public Institutions
View Article University of Maryland Research Spending Rises, Earning Top 20 Ranking From NSF
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