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IACUC Training

Initial PI/ Animal User Training

The Animal Care and Use Training Program at the University of Maryland, College Park has been formalized in federal policy and the Guide and is developed and managed by DLAR. All key personnel on a research protocol must take the PI/Animal User training course with an IACUC administrator. Initial PI/Animal User training is required before starting work in an animal facility or being added to an animal use protocol.

Currently, PI/ Animal user training is in the process of transitioning from DLAR to being managed by the IACUC office. To register for initial or refresher training, please go to the DLAR Training page.


Personnel who are visiting the institution, and will be working with animals at UMD for less than 3 months, are not required to take the UMD PI/Animal User course, as long as documentation that they have received training elsewhere can be provided. All personnel working on a research project must be added to the protocol and documentation on training provided at the time of the addition. For students, this documentation would be in the form of a certificate or letter acknowledging completion of such training elsewhere, and for PhDs, a copy of her/his CV. For those visiting personnel who will be working with animals at UMD beyond a three-month period, UMD PI/Animal User training is required.

Educational Resources


CCAC Guide for the Care and Use of Experimental Animals (Volume 1)

This is the Canadian equivalent to the ILAR Guide. Volume 1 emphasizes IACUC matters and general information on anesthetics, surgery, etc.

Field Study Guides

Guidelines for The Use of Wild Birds In Research (The Ornithological Council)

Guidelines for The Capture, Handling & Care of Mammals (American Society of Mammologists)

Guidelines for the Use of Fishes in Research (American Fisheries Society)

Guidelines for Use of Live Amphibians and Reptiles in Field Research (American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists)

General Information Websites


Established specifically as a resource for IACUCs, it can be searched for a wide variety of topics including: alternatives, databases, institutional guidelines, training and links to specific institutional web-sites.

NIH Genome/Animal Model

Primarily a resource for information on genome models (vertebrate and invertebrates), it contains links for information on the mouse, rat, xenopus, and zebrafish.

Whole Mouse Catalog

An excellent resource on “all things” mice. Provides information and links on genome, organismal physiology & pathology, anatomy, disease models, vendors, pet mice and rats and other topics.

Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources (ILAR)

A National Academy of Sciences site. Includes information on animal models and strains, genetic stock database, and web search capabilities. Many past issues of the ILAR journal are available on-line and include issues on “hot topics” in animal research such as humane endpoints, adjuvants & antibody production, non-invasive technology, animal models, and special issues on fish, amphibians, and reptiles.

NetVet - The Electronic Zoo

An excellent resource on information about a wide variety of animal species.

Pennsylvania Society for Biomedical Research (PSBR)

PSBR aims to educate the public about biomedical research and the role the responsible use of animals plays in improving both human and animal health.

Understanding Animal Research

Understanding Animal Research is a UK based organization that aims to achieve broad understanding and acceptance of the humane use of animals in biomedical research in order to advance science and medicine.

National Association for Biomedical Research (NABR)

NABR works to safeguard the future of biomedical research on behalf of its more than 350 public and private universities, medical and veterinary schools, teaching hospitals, voluntary health agencies, professional societies, pharmaceutical and biotech industries, and other animal research-related firms.

Responding to FOIA Requests: Facts and Resources