Research Study Seeks to Better Understand Brain Aging in Individuals with Severe Mental Illness
Patients with severe mental illnesses (SMI), including schizophrenia spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder, have a greater risk of Alzheimer’s dementia before age 70 due to accelerated brain aging.
Research Study Examines How Statistical Learning and Socioeconomic Status Shape Literacy Development
A project led by Prof. Min Wang in the Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology within the University of Maryland's College of Education is examining the relationship between socioeconomic status (SES), statistical learning (an intrinsic cognitive skill to detect probabilistic cues from environment), and reading development using a rigorous, two-wave longitudinal design among native Chinese-speaking children spanning ages 8–9 years.
Grand Challenges Project Seeks to Model Renewable Energy Storage and Interconnection to the U.S. Power Grid
In order to facilitate large-scale deployment of renewable energy on the U.S. power grid, batteries are essential to ensure consistent power supply. In the meantime, there are costs for both generators and batteries to be connected to the U.S. power grid, known as interconnection costs, which are high in places lacking grid infrastructure and hard to connect to the power grid.