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Research Announcements

University of Maryland Severe Research Restrictions Extended Through May 15

Severe research restrictions in effect due to the coronavirus crisis

University of Maryland Vice President for Research Laurie Locascio shared the following announcement on April 30, 2020:

In light of the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic in Maryland and the region, the University of Maryland will remain under severe research restrictions until further notice. For those who have been granted an exception to operate under severe research restrictions, that approval remains in effect through May 15, 2020.

As President Loh described in his April 28, 2020, letter to the campus, I am leading a task force of researchers from across the campus to develop a proposed plan for how we would restart on-campus research activities at UMD in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report from this task force will be used to guide decision-making by university leadership regarding research activities in 2020. Please know that we are anxious to restart the broader research enterprise, and we will only do so with the utmost caution following guidance from Governor Hogan and our public health officials. The health and safety of the campus community is our most important priority.

I look forward to seeing you at President Loh's Virtual Town Hall on May 5, 2020. I plan to follow up in May with a Research Virtual Town Hall to share the recommendations of the research task force and to solicit input from the rest of the research community.

Be well,
Laurie E. Locascio
Vice President for Research

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