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Grants and Compliance Checks

This section is intended for PIs, department chairs, grants administrators and others who may need access to specific regulatory information and processes related to the submission of grant proposals and the processing of awards.

It is important to note that all funding that supports the work described in a particular Animal Study Protocol must be listed on the online ASP form when new protocols are submitted. If other sources of outside funding are obtained, PIs must submit a copy of the proposal via IRBnet, by adding a new package to their existing protocol. Release of award funds cannot be made until this information is provided (see “Compliance Checks”).

Questions specific to the routing and submission of grant proposals should be directed to the Office of Research Administration (ORA). For questions regarding compliance checks, please call Pamela Lanford (x57295).

Prior to conducting work under sponsored projects for research involving animals, Researchers are required to obtain evidence that the proposed project has been reviewed and approved by the UMD IACUC. Some sponsors of these projects require such evidence prior to issuing an award to the University. In all cases, the work described must be covered under an existing, IACUC-approved protocol that specifically addresses the animal research activities that will be carried out under the award. Totally new lines of investigation require a new protocol, while less divergent new projects may require only an amendment to an existing protocol. (Please contact the IACUC office if uncertain.)

In order to establish an account to access funds for a new sponsored award that involves animal research, the Contract Administrator in ORA contacts the PI and the IACUC office to obtain:

  1. an active UMD protocol number (e.g., R-XXX-XX-XX) and
  2. confirmation from the IACUC administrator that the new research is appropriately covered by this protocol.

PIs must submit a copy of the proposal to IRBnet, so that the IACUC administrator can perform an assessment of congruency or “compliance check.” PIs will receive an email from the IACUC office that states:

“In order to process this request, we need the following:

  1. The IACUC protocol approval number(s) and title(s) that is/are expected to cover the work described in the proposal.
  2. A copy of the grant proposal, uploaded to the IRBnet protocol project as a separate package.

If more than one protocol covers the proposed work, the PI should highlight those portions of the grant proposal that pertain to the individual protocol and include that information in the email (For example: highlighted in blue, R-JAN-20-00; highlighted yellow R-FEB-21-00).”

Once congruency has been confirmed, the IACUC administrator will send a notice to the Contract Administrator and the PI, typically within 24-48hrs.

General Funding Sources

This site offers a wide range of funding activities. Disciplines range from humanities, art, education, law, and social sciences to STEM, and are available through 26 federal grant-making agencies. Searchable by both grant opportunity and agency. Detailed information is available about grants and’s relationship with federal partners and financial contributors. Free resource.

Open Education Database (OEDb)

This site offers 100+ Places to find Funding for your research presented by the Online Education Database. This large listing contains funding sources, by category, including "General, Social and Civil, Science and Engineering, Health, Arts & Humanities, Behavior & Psychology, Business, Education, Technology, Environment and Multiple Specialties."


This site offers a listing of research funding agencies from the National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA).

Federal Assistance Listings Numbers

This is a searchable compendium of federal agencies providing funding opportunities.

AAAS Grant Resource Center (GRC)

This site features a database of 2,000 private and federal funding opportunities from the Grant Resource Center.


Fundsnet Services

This is a directory of foundations, non-profits, private sector organizations, and government agencies providing grant opportunities. Listed freeform by category. Free resource.

Foundation Center RFP

This site is a freely available database of "Request for Proposals" (RFPs) by foundations and corporations. Search by keyword or discipline

UMD Resources - Office of Research Administration

The Vice President for Research's Office has a division of staff that is there to support grant proposal development, processing, and submission. Below are two sites that can offer more information to faculty about the services available.

Office of Research Administration (UMD)

ORAA’s Guide for New Faculty

Funding Strategies and Advice

National Parks Service

Basic Hints for Successfully Tapping into Funding Sources- Excellent general guidance for planning and executing grant applications.

The Creative Fundraiser

Strategies for Staying Funded - NIAID

Tips on Grant Writing


Funding Your Research

Excellent professional development resource from Carleton College Dept. of Geoscience, including many examples of successful proposals to a variety of different funding agencies and programs (emphasis on Geosciences, but broadly applicable).

NSF Proposal Processing and Review

Review criteria and process information

Informational Videos

NSF Funding from the inside

Understanding the NIH Peer Review Process

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