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Grand Challenges: Promoting Youth Mental Wellbeing in Rural Honduras by Engaging Teachers as Catalysts

Grant Type: Individual Project Grant
Topics: Mental Health
College Represented: SPHL

Grand Challenges Grants Program


This international university-community collaboration between the University of Maryland & The Organization for Community Health Outreach is working towards the 2030 United Nations sustainable goals in rural Honduras. This project aims to foster youth mental well-being by strengthening the capacity and providing technical support to public school teachers through three facets: 1) Strengthening teachers' mental health knowledge and skill to be trusted resources for middle-school students; 2) Providing technical assistance and support to the community of teachers via mobile-Health means; and 3) Connecting with families through existing efforts such as ‘escuela para padres.’

Prof. Ali Hurtado
PI: Ghaffar Ali Hurtado Choque (SPHL),
Assistant Professor, Family Science

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