Climate Change Research

UMD researchers are addressing climate change and environmental and energy challenges through a unique approach, combining natural and social science research with sustainable technologies. UMD researchers contribute to actionable science, offering policy makers direct data to help them make decisions about how to adapt to the conditions of our evolving environment.
UMD Select Capabilities:
- Center for Environmental Energy Engineering
- Center for Geospatial Information Science
- Center for Global Sustainability (CGS)
- Climate and Health: A Multinational Consortium to Reduce Extreme Weather-Related Diarrheal Disease Burdens and Improve Community Resilience to Climate Change
- Community Engagement, Environmental Justice and Health
- Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies
- Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC)
- Environmental Finance Center
- Geospatial-Information Science and Remote Sensing
- Joint Global Change Research Institute (JGCRI)
- Maryland Energy Innovation Institute (MEII)
- NASA Harvest
- resilient Adaptive Climate Technology (reACT) ThinkTank
- Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC)